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Working From Home With Kid: How.

February 10, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comWorking from home is hard enough on its own, never mind with kids running around the place. You need to find a way that works for you and clear the home of all negativity so that you can fully concentrate on the work at hand and impress your client or employer. Finding the balance is admittedly tough, but there are ways you can make sure you nail it. This article explores ways you can make working from home work whilst having kids in the house too. Circumstances may be different and you may not be able to do some of these, but try the ones you can and you’ll see the difference in your time management and work output.

Get An Office

It may be a spare room, or perhaps someone else’s room where there is a desk available. If not, you can find some furniture at Arnold’s Office Furniture. Having a dedicated place to work is important in the home because so many places are associated with something else. The bedroom is associated with sleep, the living room with leisure. Doing work from one of these places will hurt your productivity simply because you are used to doing something else there. Find an office, or a different place to work from and stick to it. If you really have nowhere to do it from, then listening to instrumental music can help take your mind off of the distractions. Instrumental is better because there are no words to force your brain to think about something else. It really does work, try it.

Let Your Kids Know The Boundaries

They need to know that you are working and as such should not be disturbed frequently. This of course depends on the age of your children, but letting them know that you are working and not to distract you can go a long way in terms of productivity.

Get Up Earlier

Getting up earlier than your children can give you a headstart and an hour or so of undistracted work. It is a great technique and requires you not to be lazy. They may need help with preparing for school or maybe they will have a day off and put the tv on. So try and get some time in before the house really comes to life it can make a huge difference to your day. You can also try doing it late at night, but usually your output will suffer because you will be tired too. Working at night depends on how early your children go to bed. If it is fairly early you can get some decent work in before you turn in yourself.

Use A Monitor

If you are looking after your children and having to get up every few minutes to check on them then consider getting a video monitor. It means you won’t be worrying and as such your work won’t be affected because you will be able to watch your baby or children play on the screen.

Staff Writer; Alicia Hall

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