(ThySistas.com) Helping your kids to be healthy and happy is your top priority. Sometimes, you have to be careful to try to balance these two things. Some parents focus so much on being healthy that they forget to also consider happiness. While encouraging your children to eat well and exercise is ...

(ThySistas.com) Our society acts like getting older is something that should be feared and avoided at all costs. But is that something that’s fair or even realistic? I’d argue not. There are so many great things associating with getting older and entering your senior years, so why not focus on the ...

(ThySistas.com) Summer is right around the corner. As a thick woman, I know firsthand how hard it can be to find trendy clothes. It is 2017 and that means gone are the days of having to settle for whatever department stores have stocked in the plus size isles. Thanks to advocates ...

(ThySistas.com) The process of buying clothes for your husband or boyfriend can be a difficult one. It can be hard to know whether he will like the stuff you pick out for him or whether you’re simply choosing clothes that you like. On top of that, you have to be careful ...

(ThySistas.com) Are you the kind of person who has the get-up-and-go to start a business along with the ideas to run with? Perhaps your problem is simply that you can’t choose which idea should actually be the beginning of your business. We’re going to look at the questions you ask of ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s been a long-standing discussion that boys need their fathers to become the best they can as men. I understand, and I agree on many levels. Girls also need their father, and as we become women we still need them. Though our mothers teach us so much about womanhood, and ...

(ThySistas.com) Becoming a woman is an everyday job, growing up as a woman means enduring various transitions and changes. While some changes are physical others are mental and emotional, throughout the years of aging you grow and develop. During puberty the hormones in the female body are more active than usual, ...

(ThySistas.com) The world we live in right now is crazy. With the political system all out of whack, senseless killings happening every day, wars and rumors of wars swirling constantly, peace of mind can be hard to find. Aside from the things that we can’t control, there is the hustle and ...

(ThySistas.com) It often seems like there’s a set path in life that you’re supposed to follow (or not follow), especially when it comes to education and careers. You finish high school and then you either go to college, or you start working right away. Some might not even graduate from high ...

(ThySistas.com) We are all creatures of habit. We pick up something and, if it tends to work for us from a personal standpoint, we stick with it. We don’t always stick with the healthier habits, however. When chemical changes in the body are involved, we stick to those that are most ...