(ThySistas.com) In truth we must decide what we want. Yes, many of us are strong and we know how to truck through tragedy and heartbreak with some parts of our mind left. Yet, in these moments we are reminded of the pressure of what is seen as strength. Many of us ...

(ThySistas.com) I can wear what I want. I should not have to fear for my life…for my safety based on the clothes I have on my back. I should be able to be as conservative or provocative as I choose and both men and women understand they have no right to ...

(ThySistas.com) Everyone knows shop gossip tends to be hearsay with some truths and possibly a little venom. Far too often we pass things off as opinion when if fact the subject matters are serious, and we should take the time to do some research. We have sisters out here giving marital, ...

(ThySistas.com) Children are a gift from the creator. There is so much we can learn from them as we try to teach them how to grow, learn and navigate this life we are in. Our black babies are just as important as any other child. They are smart, talented and innovative. ...

(ThySistas.com) If I could just become a wife my life would be fulfilled, and complete. I just need someone to love me and be there for me. I’m tired of being alone, and it would be great to have someone to share life’s moments. People treat me like something is wrong ...

(ThySistas.com) In our support community there is a need to feel loved, supported, encouraged, and uplifted. No one wants to feel misunderstood or attacked when they are in a low space. Though compassion is always appreciated sometimes we need people to love us enough to tell us the truth about where ...

(ThySistas.com) Holiday season is a wonderful time of year. It brings out the best in some people as we embrace a time of family, and giving. It is a season that embodies joy. Many can’t see Thanksgiving clearly for trying to get to the spirit of the Christmas/New Year holiday season. ...

(ThySistas.com) We all need sisters to talk to that can help us understand life a bit better. Having that person in your corner that is truly willing to listen to you wade through the issues of any given situation is a blessing. Far too many times we pick up the phone ...

(ThySistas.com) Many of us would love to be loved by our very own Mr. Right. You want to have someone that will stand with you as a lover, partner, and friend. That man would be willing to face life’s challenges, and success by your side. The problem too many of us ...

(ThySistas.com) We all want to believe in our man. Fighting with the man you love is hard, and a source of deep frustration. Men and women communicate in different ways, and we all have different love languages. There are times that we will need different things from a man, and he ...