(ThySistas.com) The past helps shape who we are today. Unfortunately, many of us did not get the things we were entitled to as a child simply because we existed. Every woman didn’t have the opportunity to be a care free child, loved, protected, and raised in structure and culture. Too many ...
(ThySistas.com) Many of us grew up being taught that happiness was based on our feelings, or circumstances. Society seemed to beat into us that we had to earn happiness. Everyone is not entitled to happiness, and if we reach for it happiness would disappear. How dare you smile when all hell ...
(ThySistas.com) In 2019 women, let’s stop competing with each other and start collaborating more. There is so much power in unity amongst women. So much can be accomplished in our society if more women would consider collaborating with each other. There has been an increase in more women making collaborations together ...
(ThySistas.com) According to the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, there are several ways to identify if your relationship is non-violent and shows equality. To compare, in violent relationships, the partner uses power and control tactics to maintain unequal dynamics in the relationship. If you google the Duluth Model of ...
(ThySistas.com) No woman wants to follow a man with no sense of direction. If he doesn’t know himself and his worth how can he lead you? When a man is weak to the point you have the urge to run over him you won’t follow him. When promises are constantly broken, ...
(ThySistas.com) Submit according to dictionary.com means to give over or yield to the power or authority of another. Yield means to give up or surrender (oneself) according to dictionary.com. So if we were to define the word submit in layman’s terms it would be to give someone other than ourselves, that ...
(ThySistas.com) We live in a time by which we are to be accountable for nothing. It is easier to talk about our feelings as a result of a situation, or choice, verse owning the matter. It is quite okay to admit you embarked upon an unplanned path. It is human to ...
(ThySistas.com) You’ve ever been down a grocery store aisle looking for a product or produce, but there’s more than one option for you to choose from? That’s exactly how women look competing with each other over anything! The infamous example online is the meme with the photo of a lot of ...
(ThySistas.com) Ladies, it’s time to level up! We’re in the second half of the year. No matter what stage you are in, in your life, the universe is saying, loud and clear to “Level Up!” R&B singer, Ciara recently released a song entitled, Level Up, which is a catchy tune with ...
(ThySistas.com) It can be very difficult to understand why others treat us in a manner we deem agitating. We love our sisters, but sometimes its hard for us to understand what bothers them or hurts them, but more importantly why. Sometimes, though we mean well, we are not very patient with ...
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