(ThySistas.com) No one wants, nor should have, to live in fear and anxiety. It is torture to be on edge every day of every minute. How can one arrive at happiness when every thought is over thought, and ever action is viewed though the lenses of self-doubt? Anxiety disorder is a ...

(ThySistas.com) “Your face is fractured in four places but nothing is broken”. I laid there and had a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to go under the knife. I was always scared of hospitals. The same fear I have now of you. I couldn’t look at myself, but the ...

(ThySistas.com) I’ve broken up with my boyfriend 3 times in the past week. My life is getting in the way of me fully connecting with him, and his life is conflicting with the attention that I seek from him. After breaking up with him the last time, I figured out that ...

(ThySistas.com) Past lives and karmic relationships are subjects that really interest me. Have you ever met someone who you are attracted to for no reason at all? There’s just something about them that makes you want to spend time with them and you may even see your future with them? I ...

(ThySistas.com) Everyone wants to have a good relationship. Often times, the hallmark of our existence is finding that special someone with whom we can spend the rest of our lives. Yes, we will search the world ten times over if it means finding our soul mate. But what happens when the ...

(ThySistas.com) As a mother, a big part of your role is as an educator. Yes, you’ll teach your child how to tie their laces, brush their teeth and help with their homework, if you’re not already doing that. But you also need to teach them real values. Things that are going ...

(ThySistas.com) Being a mother is one of most rewarding journeys many of us embark upon. There is joy, beauty, love and adventure. If only if were just those things. Being a mother is a lifetime career, and on some days it’s just plain hard work. We learn and grow as our ...

(ThySistas.com) You are a mom, and have a few kids under your belt. You are the Queen of multi-tasking, and are able to function off of limited sleep. Commands, advice and suggestions are given throughout the day without a second thought. Knowing what is needed, and when, is an art you’ve ...

(ThySistas.com) A few weeks ago I got baptized at church. The very public declaration of my surrender to Jesus Christ and the birth of my born again self was the very anti-climatic end, or perhaps beginning, to my renewed journey and faithful walk with God and my Saviour. Like many Black ...

(ThySistas.com) You are not in a relationship until you have passed the “honeymoon phase” where everything is something like a fantasy or a dream. When we enter the phase where we are working towards building something worthwhile in our relationships, we usually begin to undervalue our partner or take them for ...