5 Reasons Why Black Sistahood is Important.
November 12, 2016 by ThySista
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns
(ThySistas.com) Sistahood is an amazing bond between two black women who truly know, honor, and love each other like sisters. It is saddening to think about how some black women treat one another. Why is it so hard for some black women to experience true sisterhood? Jealousy and insecurity is the root of the issue. The cattiness and rude comments can really be harsh and insulting. We have got to stop using the age difference and
Angela D. Coleman is the founding President of Sisterhood Agenda, Black Girls Guide: How to Be a Sister. She explains in her book why women are to be bonded in a way to form a pure and genuine sisterhood among one another.
Here are 5 reasons black women need to develop a stronger sisterhood:
1. Sisters in the sisterhood understand – To share the thoughts and feelings of your honest, authentic self is one of the best benefits of sisterhood. Our sisterhood is our safe space to share and heal, especially useful when it feels like to world is against you. To call another woman a sister is to say, “I trust you”, “I have your back”, “Your feelings are valid”, and “I believe in you.”
2. Sisterhood is empowering – A female must know, love, and honor herself before she can know, love, and honor you as her sister. Like attracts like and we can find each other to connect and share resources. When women are empowered, the entire community is empowered. Therefore, there is no community empowerment without women’s empowerment.
3. Empowered sisters are superwomen – William Moulton Marston, an American psychologist and writer was credited for inventing the polygraph (forerunner to Wonder Woman’s magic lasso), struck upon an idea for a new kind of superhero, one who would triumph not with fists or firepower, but with love. “Fine,” said Elizabeth, his wife. “But make her a woman.” The superhero that Marston created became known as Wonder Woman. We can look at Wonder Woman as an archetype of female empowerment. In the comics and also in an older television series, Wonder Woman is portrayed as a superheroine. Created by Marston and published by DC Comics, Wonder Woman fights for justice, love, peace, and gender equality. Wonder Woman is a warrior princess of the Amazons tribe, native to Paradise Island, a secluded island in the middle of a vast ocean. In her homeland, Wonder Woman is a Princess, known as Princess Diana of Themyscira.
4. The sisterhood has secrets – You have to be a sister in the sisterhood to know each other’s secret identity and special talents. Diana Prince is Wonder Woman’s cover to protect her secret identity. Wonder Woman is gifted with a wide range of superhuman powers along with superior combat and battle skills. She possesses an arsenal of weapons which include the Lasso of Truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and, in some stories, an invisible airplane.
5. Mentoring girls is an important part of the sisterhood – Our sisterhood must be intergenerational and diverse to grow and continue positive social change. We need more women like Nubia and Wonder Woman and they were groomed to be empowered superwomen sisters from birth. We all have the capacity to be them with a collective responsibility to promote justice, love, peace, gender and racial equality.
Our sisterhood is our tribe and each of us is gifted with something unique, our own arsenal of knowledge, skills, and weapons (not literally, but figuratively) to assist us in our mission. Our tribe is a diverse sisterhood exemplified in the many ages, shapes, colors, and textures of our physical selves.
Staff Writer; Amber Ogden
One may also view more of her work over at; AmberOgden.com.
Also connect via Instagram; 1amberogden and Twitter; MsAmberOgden.
Its sad how many of our people are still mentally locked into slaver and do not see it. Our families are broken, our children are confused, our priorities are about self and entertainment. Our people are still largely asleep, depending on their employer or the government to take care of them and their pastor to know God for them. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Too many of our men re dogs or little boys and too many of our women are insecure or whorish (divas) who do not think they need a man. Our divorce rates, abortion rates and infidelity rates are high. Men don’t know if they are women or not and women don’t know if they should be men. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE. We know what’s up with that idiot Kanye but we don’t check our children’s homework or participate in the PTA. We get offended at correction but would rather stick our heads in the sand than look in the mirror. AFRICAN AMERICANS NEED TO STOP BEING 21ST CENTURY SLAVES.