(ThySistas.com) As women we know that life can be stressful especially when you have a family. There are many days that we go and do for our family, and the days just run together. Our day’s start, and end when its dark outside. We sacrifice a lot for our family, and ...

(ThySistas.com) We all know how easy it is to find Mr. Wrong, at the time it seems he is the right guy because he simply does everything to wow you and win you over. It is no easy task to get over someone that you have built with or envisioned your ...

(ThySistas.com) When it comes to proposing it’s fairly obvious that guys have the hardest job because they’re the ones asking the question. He’s suited and booted and down on one knee while the woman in question tends just to stand there looking teary, shocked and very overwhelmed. Ever wondered what ladies ...

(ThySistas.com) The definition of Black feminism is a school of thought which argues that sexism, class oppression, gender identity and racism are inextricably bound together. The way these concepts relate to each other is called intersectionality. Feminism at its core is a movement to abolish the inequalities women face. The Combahee ...

(ThySistas.com) As the year comes to a close it is safe to say we all want a better 2017. There are some things my dear young ladies you may want to consider as you embark upon your path to womanhood. To say “I’m a queen” is one thing, but to hold ...

(ThySistas.com) Marriage is a beautiful thing. When both parties are on the same page there is a love, peace and a support system that rivals all others. With that being said no marriage is perfect…every couple has to face challenges. The challenges we face strengthen us…or destroy us. As women we ...

(ThySistas.com) A wife is a powerful position in the life of a man. She is more than a lover and mother…she is counsel. She has the perfect remedy to sooth the pain of her husband in ways no one can…not even his mother. With that being said wives it is important ...

(ThySistas.com) When they experience relationship problems, a lot of people can feel alone. They may not know who to turn to for advice and might be reluctant to burden family or friends. What’s more, they don’t want their relationship problems to color anyone’s perception of their partner. When your relationship needs ...

(ThySistas.com) If he’s yours, then why is he the lone male specimen of the neighborhood sex brigade? Over the years I have written on a variety of topics, ranging from the Ku Klux Klan, (the original Boys N’ The Hoods), to politicians who blatantly exploit their constituents. However, I have yet to focus ...

(ThySistas.com) When a woman gets married she leaves some of the things she has known all of her life, and she embarks on a new life…literally. When we understand what marriage is for us as women we can identify what we will need. Every wife should have a space whereby she ...