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Trophy Wife Vs. Life Partner.

January 26, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( While we all want to be considered as “wifey”, some do not make the cuts for the team. When I think of the term life partner, I automatically think of an attractive woman who knows how to handle themselves, be all about their husband, conduct business, and knows how to get things done. While a trophy wife on the other hand makes me think of a woman that a man has no real value for but just wants to show her off to his friends and colleagues.

When looking for a life partner I think mean look for women who are have a good relationship with God or is a spiritual person. They also look for someone who possesses beauty more than skin deep, meaning you can be the most beautiful woman on this Earth on the outside but if your personality, heart, and your overall ways are “ugly” then so are you.

Men also look for women who are ambitious whether it is in the work field or in the kitchen they count on you to make somethings happen. A desire for home and children is also amongst the traits men look for in a life partner. Though a lot of men do not voice it they look for women who are intelligent and have furthered or plan to further their education.

A life partner is just that, someone you plan to spend the rest of your life with. Looking for a life partner is one of the most rigorous tasks or so I’ve heard. You want to make sure that when you decided to marry someone that you accept them for who they are not what they have and not for what they can bring to the table. A marriage is such a sacred thing and once you recite those vows you make a promise both to your partner and also one to God. A trophy wife is just that someone for you to show off or just someone to have around so you will not have to be alone.

Studies show that men tend to have a trophy wife when they feel they are not having good luck with meaningful relationships. Trophy wives are an informal term for a wife, usually young and attractive who is regarded as a status symbol. Referring to a spouse as a trophy wife usually reflects negatively on the woman or both characters. The term trophy wife has taken on a new, more upscale meaning. Whether you get yourself a trophy wife or a life partner just make sure you are doing it for your happiness.

Staff Writer; Myra Moore

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