(ThySistas.com) Marriage is a beautiful covenant that brings two people together as one to share a life together. Each person brings a unique individuality to the marriage; they also bring their strengths and weaknesses. Some people believe that God is a very important part of a marriage, while others believe ...

(ThySistas.com) School is starting all over the country and it is an exciting time for new beginnings and learning. Students are often excited about returning to a new classroom with new teachers and getting back to their friends they haven’t seen over the summer. For parents is can be a ...

(ThySistas.com) It is a blessing to have a village that is supportive of you and your family. Having a sister circle that you can call on in times of need is a priceless blessing. These are women, and possibly their partners and family, that are loyal to you without question. ...

(ThySistas.com) During the course of any kind of relationship it is very important to check stubborn pride at the door. One has to be willing to admit when actions and/or words have been hurtful, and offensive. When this happens by it’s important to admit the hurtful behavior, and work towards ...

(ThySistas.com) When we are honest there are many of us still praying for Mr. Right. As we move into a space of embracing self, many women are starting to re-evaluate the standards they have for a relationship. They want better for themselves and need to be with someone that fulfills ...

(ThySistas.com) Pettiness is trending lately with the resurgence of many going “tit for tat” with a person of conflict in his or her life. Getting that “one up” on someone and others witnessing it adds a morale boost one can not get from just embarrassment alone. What is the source ...

(ThySistas.com) Long distance relationships aren’t for everyone but it is possible to be in a committed, long distance relationship.  Think about celebrities who does countless interviews and say that they are everyday people like us, they go months sometimes without seeing their spouse or partner because of their busy schedules.  ...

(ThySistas.com) Being single is not the end of the world.  You can really experience life and actually enjoy it, being single.  Don’t be in a rush to change your relationship status on Facebook from single to in a relationship, just for more likes and comments.  Rushing into any relationship is ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters what are we, that are in relationships, doing? When the person we trusted to be in a committed relationship steps outside of such there is a deep pain and feeling of betrayal that is often very valid. There are some of us that will pause for a moment ...

(ThySistas.com) I posted on Facebook recently, “What is dating in your 40’s like?”  Out of 37 comments of responses, it was a majority vote of basically saying, “Don’t even think about it.”  I’ve been in a committed relationship for a while now but as I approach becoming 40 years old ...