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He’s Still Your Baby.

September 11, 2019 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( No woman wants to deal with a man who’s so attached to his mother he can’t make decisions for himself. We pity the woman who’s married to a man that seats his mother over his wife. No one is ever good enough for her baby boy. What women must own is though this is true the same can be said about father’s and their relationship to their daughters. Many men have been threatened with fire arms before getting married, and to some that is quite okay. However, mothers with an all or majority female house rarely admit to this. There are women that love their sons and have helped nurture them to become strong independent minded men. Those men love their mother but their wife comes first, and their mother would have it no other way.

While some will discuss what contributes to toxic masculinity, we can’t overlook the idea that mothers can hold on to their daughters…it’s okay for that child to always be mom’s baby, but not the son. Parenting is not something that ends at 18, regardless of popular opinion. We parent from the moment our child enters this world until we exit. It’s time we are fair in our thinking about mothers and their sons, outside of our own parental position.

Mothers, your son will always, in your heart, be your baby. You carried your son, delivered him into this world under only God knows circumstances, nurtured and raised him, you were there for every triumph and failure, you watched him grow from the baby in your arms to the strong man he has become. As with your daughter he will always be your baby. Your son can marry and you’ll gain a daughter. This doesn’t change who your son is to you as you encourage him to be a good husband and father. No woman, especially another mother, has the right to tell you he’s no longer your baby.  If something tragic were to happen to him…you will comfort his wife as she lost a spouse. However, you lost YOUR child…the baby you carried. No one has the right to diminish this truth.

Women should want a man who has a strong relationship with his mother. In many of these cases she has been the teacher of his compassion, empathy, kindness, and taught him the things he needed to know about loving a woman that his father can’t share…as she is a woman. These are things that will benefit you in a relationship, and it was instilled by his mother. A healthy relationship between mother and son is a blessing to you. That woman will love you, as she loves her son and hold him accountable to loving you well. Just because some women have not experienced this doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in good number. Think twice about it if you are raising a son…. you’d hate to speak against yourself as a mother.

I’m a mother of two sons. They will always be my babies, in my heart. I look forward to having the privilege of witnessing the strong compassionate men they will become. I look forward to gaining daughters through them.  No mother wants to see her son, hurt, misused, nor abused. This is only fair as she wouldn’t want this for her daughter. It’s time we stop shaming mother’s for giving the same healthy life long parenting to their son that they provide for their daughter.

My father saw my sister and I, both married and mothers, as his babies until he passed. He wasn’t demonized for such…he loved my brother the same. Children, regardless of age, should experience their parents love for as long as life permits. They should know they will always be someone’s pride and joy…someone’s baby.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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