(ThySistas.com) I love the idea of having more economical options when traveling. Living in a tourist city I know lodging can become expensive, and scarce. Furthermore, sometimes we want to feel like we are at home away from home, and how better to achieve that than being in a nicely maintained ...
(ThySistas.com) “Never say never” you don’t know what you will do in certain situations so don’t limit yourself. How many women have been told something along those lines. In the same breath you are also told to utilize positive affirmation. One of the deadliest conversations we engage in is the conversation ...
(ThySistas.com) There is lot of discussion about toxic masculinity. Many sisters are definitely disappointed, though supportive, at the state of black men. We don’t appreciate not feeling beautiful to them. We don’t appreciate the abuse, and their part in rape culture. Though misogyny may not be inherent to them…we are disappointed ...
(ThySistas.com) Positive affirmation from the people we value is priceless. When words that build us up come from others we know our life matter to them without assumption. When the words are reinforced by action we can feel the support needed to push though obstacles. It is necessary to understand the ...
(ThySistas.com) Becoming a parent is the most rewarding moment for some us regardless of how we experience it. However, it’s one of the hardest careers to undergo. From pregnancy to delivery it can be seen as joy with many complications. Seeing your baby for the very first time is an indescribable ...
(ThySistas.com) As we go through life, the weight of it all can weigh us down. So much so that we don’t take the time to sit and consider the most important things in our lives. Namely, I am talking about our careers. When was the last time you reevaluated if what ...
(ThySistas.com) I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of friends. I meet people and I fall in love with them and I draw them close to me. I have always been like this. I guess it’s just my Pisces nature. As such, I’ve learned a thing or two ...
(ThySistas.com) Do you remember when most of our churches were filled with women that looked larger than life. They weren’t perfect, but they were strong and compassionate. They knew how to mother and grandmother a community while making sure we all understood they took crap off no one. They may not ...
(ThySistas.com) It happens to the best of us. We get into a groove with a new diet and then mess it all up in one weekend. Oh, it’s just me? Okay, then. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve done this. I start off great, call myself splurging a little ...
(ThySistas.com) In my leisure reading of the news nationwide I came across a situation in Iowa whereby a white woman went on vacation to Germany for 11 days. That doesn’t sound like anything unusual, however the problem was she left her 4 children home alone to fend for themselves. To make ...
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