I’ll Stick to Hotels.

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(ThySistas.comI love the idea of having more economical options when traveling. Living in a tourist city I know lodging can become expensive, and scarce. Furthermore, sometimes we want to feel like we are at home away from home, and how better to achieve that than being in a nicely maintained home. I admit when I travel I want to experience something different than home… more of a relaxing adventure is what I usually have in mind. Though I admit I have been intrigued by the Airbnb idea and have heard so much about it I truly gave it consideration. It takes me a lot of research before deciding to try something new when traveling. Every situation is not the same, and everyone that works with Airbnb doesn’t have an aversion to black people.

In the news recently, a group of black women were on vacation and used Airbnb in Rialto, CA. Apparently the owner of the house did not inform her neighbors someone would be staying in her home. Furthermore, it seems that if we, black women, don’t speak to neighbors or we just look at them that is worth calling the police. Thank God the sisters were not harmed by the police, but the situation is still traumatic, embarrassing and a waste of time. To make matters worse the owner of the house saw nothing wrong with her neighbor calling the police. Basically being “rude” is a crime. This is a problem.

We aren’t property and we are not mandated to speak to every person we see and wear smiles for the purpose of making white women feel comfortable. Their feeling comfortable is not our problem. Who cares about what makes us uncomfortable? Am I allowed to call the police when white people stare and look at me, make demeaning passive aggressive comments towards me, when they make me feel uncomfortable in any way? The answer is simple, no I am not.

I understand the company Airbnb may not agree with what happened to these women and may do all they can to ensure it won’t happen again. However, they can only do so much as independent contractors choose to use their home for lodging and that says nothing for the neighborhood that is not subjected to the regulations of Airbnb. It’s a shame that we can not move about this country without having the police called on us for sitting in a coffee shop, leaving an Airbnb lodging, having a BBQ in the park, or taking a nap at the university we attend. Do you see the trend here? It is also worth noting the person making the calls for the most part is white women…keep that in mind when you try to say ally.

I’ve made up my mind. I will stick to hotels, family and friends. Airbnb lost a potential user…not because they did anything per se, but because what happened to those sisters in California can’t be regulated. Granted, I know hotels can have their issues, but there just seems to be more control in the area of regulations. I don’t want my trip marred because I’m in a white woman’s neighborhood, I didn’t speak to her, and now I’m looking the police in the face praying I make it home.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.