(ThySistas.com) One of my favorite times of year is right around the corner. I love Mardi Gras season. There are the parades, balls, amazing marching bands, the coming together of family, music and amazing food. There are hundreds of tourists from all of the world that come and party with ...

(ThySistas.com) Marriage can be a beautiful state. It’s a space whereby you can expect someone to be there when life spirals crazy, and someone is there to celebrate all the joy this life can bring. Marriage can alleviate the feeling and reality of lonely. It’s great to have that person ...

(ThySistas.com) How can two people walk together when there is no peace in ideology, moral compass, and spiritual understanding? These three things guarantee to sink a relationship if there can be no compromise. I understand we live in a time whereby people no longer feel they must marry someone of ...

(ThySistas.com) “Wow…you don’t have any kids?” “But you’re married. You should have children by now.” “Well, what is wrong with him? Or you?” You try your best to say the aforementioned statements without emotion or disdain.  Regardless,  they still pinch a small piece of the heart to the woman you ...

(ThySistas.com) $775 billion dollars. The above number is the amount of revenue pharmaceutical companies saw in 2015 based on research from the US Government Accountability Office. I want to be surprised by this number, but I am not.  Pharmacies provide chemical compounds in the form of liquids and pills that ...

(ThySistas.com) If you’re black and you spend any amount of time around white people, whether in your friendship/social circle, at church, or even at work, you’ve probably been asked to explain or clarify things to them at some point. You might not think much of this, and if you want ...

(ThySistas.com) In a few days we will bring in a new year, and decade. For many these past 10 years have been a trying of our patience. We have lost people that are dear to us, and there are no words for the void that is left behind. Some people ...

(ThySistas.com) I’ve never considered myself a feminist because I find it hard to trust the direction of said movement. Far too often black women, and women of color, have been betrayed by white women while being told we are all in this together. While white women were standing with us, ...

(ThySistas.com) Getting our look together is very important. A woman should have the right to invest in her look as she sees fit without judgement. Why a sistah chooses to wear weave, artificial nails, or eyelashes can vary, but she shouldn’t have to justify her reason to anyone. I remember ...

(ThySistas.com) Motherhood is a beautiful thing. It does not matter how you have come to have children, being someone’s mother is a sacred honor. It is a title many mothers can admit they didn’t fully understand until they were walking in the mantle. Being a mother comprises so many things, ...