(ThySistas.com) You might be surprised to know that many people regret getting cosmetic surgery. While many people love the results, others are unsure about whether they did the right thing. If your surgery doesn’t give you wanted, you might feel like you’ve made a big mistake. You might have had ...

(ThySistas.com) Ladies, it’s time to get outside. Why? Because it’s summer, of course! We wait all winter for it to arrive. Now it has done, we need to make the most of it. Get out there by finding some fun and challenging outdoor exercises and sports to do. Need a ...

(ThySistas.com) Summer is well underway, and many of us look to show off our beautiful manes. With that being said we must be sure to maximize on good hair care. Proper hair care is rooted in good habits, and a consistent regimen. There are many people seeing “grow long hair ...

(ThySistas.com) Modern accessibility to medicine has completely changed the world. Now, when someone has a condition that used to be life-or-death, we can go to a local store and pick up an effective remedy. However, they’re not without their risks. When you’re giving medication to children, there are certain risks ...

(ThySistas.com) For centuries teen pregnancy has been a curse for all races but most predominantly in the African American community. Teen pregnancy is considered the conception of anyone under the age of 20 years old, once a girl has began her menstrual cycle she is then able to carry a ...

(ThySistas.com) No one likes to think about getting older because it is depressing. It is one step closer to death after all. But, here you are and your old age in nearly upon you. Don’t worry because it happens to everyone. And, it can be the best years of your ...

(ThySistas.com) When it comes to eating healthy foods, we all know what we should and shouldn’t eat. We know we should drink plenty of water. We know that we need to have a balanced diet, which includes protein, healthy fats, grains, and vegetables. Some days it is harder to implement ...

(ThySistas.com) People who are trying to achieve a lot in less time need to know it’s better to put your best foot forward everywhere. This can be done only when you have all your senses in control especially your brain. The concentration with which one works defines how well the ...

(ThySistas.com) The world we live in presents constant challenges that fuel stress, anxiety, insecurity and anger. Many of us are constantly trying to channel peace into our lives. Some of us pray, use meditation, exercise or find alternative ways to alleviate negativity we accumulate in the course of a day. ...

(ThySistas.com) Are you getting enough sleep each night? You should be aiming for around eight hours of sleep each night. Some of us get more than that and some of us, unfortunately, a lot less. However, the benefits of a good night sleep can not be ignored. It could be ...