(ThySistas.com) With the right support, many people find that they can overcome their addictions and live more meaningful lives. If you know somebody who is struggling with addiction, it can be tough. You want to help them without making things worse, or ruining your relationship. It isn’t always an easy ...
(ThySistas.com) As the world around us changes, and the impact of climate change becomes more apparent, raising an environmentally-friendly child is an important focus for many parents. Below, we’ve provided a few tips parents can use to raise their children with an eco-friendly focus… #1 – Make recycling the standard ...
(ThySistas.com) Life can be pretty dangerous, all things considered, and that’s just the way things are. If you try to avoid any and all risks in your life, you would naturally end up having a pretty dull existence – and you’d still come up against plenty of tragedy along the ...
(ThySistas.com) We are in the times where it’s so popular for us to have 10,000 followers on social media that knows our every move that we make, every experience that we partake in and even down to knowing our choices for health or skin care regimens. We’ve heard the stories ...
(ThySistas.com) Read the following statements in order from A to C. Statement A: Kashala Francis was a 13-year-old child from Houston who died from a brain tumor. Statement B: Kashala Francis was a 13-year-old child from Houston who died from a brain tumor after a fight with another neighborhood teen. ...
(ThySistas.com) I remember watching my dear friends get married wondering when love was going to knock at my door. I has a few relationships that I thought was going to take me to the alter only to encounter heartbreak. I always took the position that something was wrong with me. ...
(ThySistas.com) Many sistahs are praying for a break. They need a day off from the crazy demands of work, the constant demands of family and friends, the necessities of one’s own home, the needs of the children, the expectations of the lover…sometimes there needs to be a day off from ...
(ThySistas.com) There is so much hypocrisy concerning the subject of abortion. What is considered “pro-life”? How do we decided whose life should have value? We live in a country that doesn’t value the life, and wellness of children, yet some want to discuss the concept of pro-life. It’s hypocritical to ...
(ThySistas.com) There is no problem with what to be the woman that is everything in the bedroom to your partner. let’s be honest…there is a sense of satisfaction that comes with knowing you can totally satisfy your partner in ways they never imagined. This is not just a male thing; ...
(ThySistas.com) Last time I checked in with you I was moving into my 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This experience was very different from my first. I found that my appetite completely disappeared, and it felt like I was carrying an anvil. Walking was mandatory, but it became a different kind ...
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