(ThySistas.com) If your friend has a newborn child, you may be expecting a christening invitation in the post anytime soon. Christenings are a great time of joy and give you the chance to catch up friends who you may not have seen in quite some time. It is also the ...
(ThySistas.com) As a lover of the divine, spiritual realm and the occult, I often find myself in conversations where I am sharing occult (hidden) information that many fear or have been taught to reject. I am constantly amazed at the number of Christians who believe in an acknowledge Angels yet ...
(ThySistas.com) I am constantly reminded through my scripture reading that our purpose is not an easy undertaking. Anyone who fulfilled God’s purpose for their lives as indicated throughout the Bible DID NOT have an easy time of it. What makes us any different? Here’s just one example: One “fiery” day, Moses was ...
(ThySistas.com) If you’re a parent, aunt, uncle or someone who has been in the presence of children behaving as children, you have no doubt experienced a time when two of those darling little rascals are playing and your sense of peace has been interrupted with the robust sound of someone ...
(ThySistas.com) For most people, religion is a relief from their lives. It gives them perspective and the strength to continue down the right path. But, does it give them a realistic chance of a career? The answer is yes. You may be someone that thinks a life of religion would ...
(ThySistas.com) It seems when the topic of prayer comes up, people immediately begin to speak on their religious and/or spiritual doctrine’s. Many people truly believe that prayer is only for those of a particular faith, they fail to realize that the prayers of those who recognize the laws of nature ...
(ThySistas.com) Everything in our lives is a process of sowing and reaping or what goes around comes around. Every day we can watch the news and see violence, injustice, unrest and all other sorts of evil. It happens so much that we can forget that we too are a part ...
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