3 Things You Should Include In Your Next Job Advert.
October 14, 2020 by ThySista
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns
(ThySistas.com) As a business owner, you need employees to assist you with everything. Think of yourself as the captain of a ship – you need a crew around you to help the ship sail! Therefore, you must consider how you will attract people to your business, so you can hire them. The most natural approach is to create job adverts and place them online.
Still, one question remains; how can you be sure that people will apply for your jobs? Well, it all comes down to how you create your job advert. Here are a few suggestions to add to your next ads, ensuring many people apply for them:
Payment terms
Often, you see jobs that don’t disclose the salary on the advert. There are reasons for this, but the debate rages on as to whether this is effective or not. Realistically, you will get more attention if you show how much people will be paid for the work. It attracts potential employees as they know what they’ll earn if they work for you. Plus, many job sites have filters that let people search for jobs within specific salary ranges. If yours is undisclosed, you will be filtered out of a lot of searches!
Contract details
Obviously, you can’t publish the full legal contract on your job advert. Nevertheless, you can include all of the main contract terms and details. Again, this attracts potential employees as you tell them exactly what the terms are. They know the hours they work, when they’ll be expected to work, and any other technical information. This is also important as it avoids any issues with contract disputes. You don’t want to hire someone and end up embroiled in a battle with a breach of contract attorney because the employee isn’t following the contract terms. Or, vice versa, you could advertise a job and then get them to sign a contract that goes against the information in the advert, so they can sue you for a breach of contract. Laying out the terms is better for everyone, and this increased clarity can attract more prospects.
Employee benefits
Alongside the salary, you should include some of the additional employee benefits on offer. If you talk to employees around the world, they’ll say that a good benefits system can be a dealbreaker when looking at where to work. Nobody wants to work for a company that offers terrible employee benefits. It would mean they work themselves to the bone and see very little in return. With excellent employee benefits, you show that you care about your workers. Sometimes, this can push people to apply for a job at your company, even if another business offers the same role with a better wage.
These three things are an essential part of a good job advert. Of course, you should also include the main job roles and qualifications required. But, the three ideas listed above will ensure your adverts stand out and get noticed by more job seekers. From here, you should see plenty of applications that allow you to choose from a large talent pool.
Staff Writer; Sherry Wall