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Finding The Right Mobile Phone For Older People.

October 16, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( Mobile phones are an essential part of everyday life for most people and are the best way for everyone to stay connected. Having a mobile phone means that wherever you go, you can always be contacted which provides a sense of security for you and your family.

However, as mobile phones are ever-changing, some older people may have difficulty keeping up with new technology and will require a simpler device. There are two main types of mobile phone, cell phone and smartphone.

Some cell phones were specifically designed with older people in mind and have bigger buttons, an easy-to-use interface, and have longer-lasting battery life. Even though cell phones are becoming more advanced, they are still easy to use with some being specifically designed with older people in mind.

Smartphones have a bigger and brighter display which is beneficial for those with visual impairments. According to Fanmisenior 53% of over 65s currently own a smartphone device, but due to advanced aging, older people are likely to experience problems with hearing or arthritis, which may be an issue when using a newer device.

As mobile phone technology continues to advance, the need to have one is becoming more important. To find out what the best mobile phone is for older people, take a look at the infographic below. This shows the latest research into the type of phone older people are more likely to use and looks into the advantages that each one has to offer. Have a further read of the infographic below.

Infographic by Fanmisenior

Staff Writer; Sherry Shaw

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