Friday, July 26, 2024

5 Great Summer Salads.

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( I can eat salads every day. I don’t have to add meat to them either in order to get full. Salads to me are a great, light dish especially during the summer months when it’s too hot to be cooking anything. I like basic ingredients in my all of my salads and it’s the only time I eat egg yolks because I love adding boiled eggs to my salads.

My favorite salad of all time is the Cesar salad. It’s simple and tasty to me. You can even purchase this salad in a ready-made kit in your local grocery store.

Fruit salad: Save some of the fruit you would use for juicing or smoothies, grab a bowl and make yourself a fruit salad. I have to tell you, fruit salads are not as easy as they look to make. The only hard parts are peeling fruit and cutting them into cute squares or triangles lol.

TIP: For a dressing, you can add a fruit dip or whip cream on top. Fruit salads are a good energy booster as well when you need a pick me up throughout your day. I prefer to eat fruit salads as a mid-day or night time snack. But most people enjoy fruit salads with their hearty breakfast.

Garden salad (Olive Garden): Now I l-o-v-e a good garden salad from Olive Garden. I will literally treat myself every now and then out to eat there and just order a big bowl of their house garden salad and I pair it with a glass of red wine but you should pair it with a white wine.

This is another simple and basic salad that I enjoy eating. I love asking for pepperoncinis to eat with this salad. The black olives are optional of course. I don’t know what it is about this salad that has me hooked but it is my second favorite salad to eat ever!

Kale salad: I only need six ingredients to make this delicious salad: kale, red onions, cranberries, shredded carrots, feta cheese and italian dressing. Kale salads are yummy and super easy to make. You don’t have to add tons of ingredients to this salad at all.

Cucumber salad: Last but certainly not least, I love a classic cucumber salad. I’m known to add this salad on top of my beans, greens or cabbage.   All you need to make this salad is: cucumber, red onion, tomato, salt, pepper and Italian dressing. As you can see I love adding Italian dressing to most of my salads.  You can eat this salad as a side dish with any meal or as toppings just as I mentioned above. You can add spices or slices of jalapenos to this salad if you want to eat it as a topping.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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