Five Holiday Shopping Tip.
December 24, 2018 by ThySista
Filed under Money, News, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns
( The holiday season is upon us ladies and we frustrate ourselves every year, standing in those long lines to purchase our loved ones, that perfect gift. We don’t really plan our visits or we forget our coupons at home on the kitchen table. But now, online shopping has made life so much easier to do with just a couple of clicks to make a purchase. But if you still prefer the hustles and bustles of navigating through the crowds, here’s some tips to keep in mind.
1. Plan your trip(s). Write out a list of what you want to buy and where you have to go to purchase the item(s). This will save you time and gas more than likely. Planning your trips to the mall or stores in one specific area will be helpful for holiday shopping.
2. Bring your coupons. Check all of those coupons you get in the mail and make sure that you can redeem them during in-store purchases as well. This will definitely keep you from standing in line and finding out at the register that your coupons won’t be redeemable. If you’re buying online, don’t forget to type in the discount code before you check out.
3. Follow your favorite stores on social media. You can always be in the know of what sales are going on at your favorite stores by following their social media accounts. You can see live videos of their products and services before you commit to making a purchase. Their social media accounts are the first to highlight sales and you don’t want to miss out on a great sale during the holidays.
4. Budget yourself. Only take a certain amount of cash, debit or credit cards with you to avoid going into debt. Your loved ones appreciate and love you, not what expensive gifts you buy them. So many people go into debt over the holidays and the gifts that they purchased, are soon forgotten about or traded off to someone else.
5. Order online. This is the best tip since e-commerce became a thing. You can shop for your family, in the comforts of your home, eating those cookies you love and with just a click of a button, your purchase is in que to be shipped! You can even electronically send someone a gift card to their favorite stores or local coffee shops.
Again, don’t go into debt just for one day or a few days of celebrations. These tips will help you save time, gas and money if you use them this holiday season. Regardless if you’ve been naughty or nice this year, don’t frustrate yourself by the overwhelming feelings of holiday shopping. Experts suggests that you should shop alone to avoid being pressured to spend excessively amounts of money on gifts. I’ll add to that, to remain safe while shopping also. If you’re shopping online, make sure that the websites are secured or verified to avoid identity theft. If you shop in the stores, take your time and be mindful of your surroundings for pick-pockets thief. Hope you enjoyed these tips, and happy holidays!!!!!
Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson
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