(ThySistas.com) We know how to address men and are becoming more capable of holding them accountable for the negativity we receive. Disrespect, body shaming, unrealistic expectations, shaming us in our motherhood, and the list could go on…we are telling men this is not allowed. This is positive as we must expect ...
(ThySistas.com) Are you preparing for a new year and a new you? If not, it’s time to refresh yourself. Take a moment to refresh or as some people say, reflect on the goals you accomplished this year. Refresh that relationship that needs tending to. Press refresh on your book that you ...
(ThySistas.com) More investors than ever are looking for ethical places to put their money. Investing in large corporations can mean that they have no clue what is being done with it, and that is no longer acceptable to many investors. Consider The Implications Before you put money into any business, look ...
(ThySistas.com) The bond between a man and his friends, is different than that with you, his woman. Some women feel the need to act like “one of the guys” to keep their man’s attention. This is far from the truth. Just be you. A man that really wants you in his ...
(ThySistas.com) We are ending a year that flew right pass us. As we approach the holidays coming up and embarking on entering a new year, it would be beneficial for you to start living out loud. Living out loud means being bold and confident as you continue to go after your ...
(ThySistas.com) When a family finds out that they are expecting a child, after the initial shock, if unplanned, one of the first things that are thought about is, “What will the babies name be?” Throughout the entire pregnancy, names are added to a list and crossed off until a name is ...
(ThySistas.com) Running your own small scale business tends to come hand in hand with a whole host of benefits. Many small business owners complete their work from the comfort of their own home, cutting out the morning commute and simply heading downstairs to their home office or other workspace in the ...
(ThySistas.com) “It’s going to be ok. Time will heal your broken heart. Just pray about it. You will figure it out. Everything will be fine.” They said. Just a few pointers people gave me when a loved one passed away. This was not the immediate truth. They said these things to ...
(ThySistas.com) I remember, about one year ago, Loneliness had come, uninvited, and had moved into my house for what looked like an extended stay. We didn’t speak to each other as we moved through my home together in a steely silence until eventually, we seemed to just settle into a sad ...
(ThySistas.com) When disaster strikes and you’re injured in a car accident, the amount of stress you’re under is unreal. There are so, so many questions to go through. What are you going to do for a car? How long until you’re recovered? How will this affect your job? One question that ...
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