Live Out Loud.

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( We are ending a year that flew right pass us.  As we approach the holidays coming up and embarking on entering a new year, it would be beneficial for you to start living out loud.  Living out loud means being bold and confident as you continue to go after your dreams or start new journey’s in your life.  Stop hiding behind fear and complacency, it’s a new day to live out loud.

You can accomplish whatever your heart desires once you step into your truth and live out loud.  Don’t worry about what other people will say about you.  It’s your life not theirs.  Don’t hide behind the successes of others because you don’t feel like you’re qualified enough for the job, be you and add value to your company or that position.  Share with others your stories of trials and errors to help encourage someone else who is struggling where you once were.  Living out loud includes helping others see their value in life as well.

Make it happen.  Don’t settle for a mediocre life when you could be living your best life instead.  Get you a journal and write down things that makes you happy and go do them.  Don’t wait for other people to make you happy, go get your happiness.  Sometimes, laughter is the only thing you can do to keep from crying or giving up.  Laughter and happiness is the best medicine this world has to offer.  Get rid of the toxic relationships that are hindering you from living out loud.

Don’t be conformed to the rules of society either.  If you love it, do it!  If it makes you happy, do it!  If your family appreciates you for it, do it!  If you think you look good in it, wear it!  Don’t let society dictate to you, who you need to be.  Society has a way of corrupting our minds to thinking based off of what the majority says, but you were created to make your own path.  Sure we all can agree as a society that that guy who currently lives in the White House, is a pure waste of our country’s time and resources but that same collective group does not determine your worth as apart of humanity.

What gets you up in the morning?  Being a great mother to your children or a great wife to your husband?  Great live out loud and start a blog for us parents who struggle with motherhood or marriage.  You living out loud could possibly save someone’s marriage or prevent putting another child in the foster care system because the mother wanted to give up until she read your blog post.  Live out loud.

Self-love is of utmost importance as you live out loud, you become more in love with who you are in your natural state of being.  You are more inclined to be confident in who you really are evolving into as time passes and you have accepted the challenges that created your past.   Our thoughts control our actions and our actions, dictates the outcomes in our lives that we control.  You have to love yourself 100% no matter what people think or say.  So without further do, will the real you come forth and show us how you live out loud?

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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