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Mom Goals: Creating Your Dream Career, When It Doesn’t Quite Exist Yet.

September 5, 2018 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comIt’s that time of year when the kids have gone back to nursery or school, and if you’re a stay at home mom or work at home mom; the house has been tranquil (most of the time). You might miss the sound of playing and cartoons (or not), but a little quiet headspace could be just what you need to get your creativity flowing. The world seems to be an uncertain place right now; however, one thing’s for sure, and that’s people have plenty of access to information, products, and services.

With so much available to you at the click of a mouse or the tap of a screen; the public can afford to do their research and be a little more choosy on where they shop. Therefore, artisan and independent brands are in high demand, and that demand is only growing stronger. Maybe it’s time to think about turning your talents, expertise, and skills towards a business plan of your own, and creating your dream job role.

Running a company, however, big or small, will take up a lot of time, and will need plenty of hard work and dedication. However, you’ll be able to work around what your kids and family need, and could end up with a profitable and flexible income, that can grow as your family does the same. The following are some ideas for potential mom bosses who are ready to begin a new chapter and start working towards their own business.

It’s Time To Start At The Beginning (Right Now)

What are you waiting for? It’s time to grab your notebook and pen, or even your iPad, and head off for a coffee after the school run to begin writing down all your ideas and business inspiration. Try and formulate a plan of action regarding what you’re going to do and when, and you’ll already have a preliminary business plan to utilize. Think about the feasibility of your current schedule and fitting your work into it. You may need extra childcare, or your partner to help out around the house more than usual for the foreseeable future; however, you should remember that you’re working towards securing a better life for the household. It’s worth noting down companies like Bonsai Finance who will be able to assist you in understanding your financial options. Creating your dream role is exciting, but, you need to do all you can to ensure that you’re making smart financial moves for the future of your family. The planning and preparation side of things, is usually the most crucial stage of you setting up, and becoming the ultimate mom boss.

You’ll never really understand how long things will take and what sort of toll they’ll take on family life if you don’t do them. So, the sooner you begin writing, crafting, creating, and planning ahead, the better. Finish that coffee (or two, and maybe a brownie) and head home to begin. If your passion becomes your company; it won’t feel like hard work. Set alarms on your phone so that you don’t forget to get the dinner on or leave the house to walk the dog and pick up the kids; this will allow you to get stuck into what you want to achieve, safe in the knowledge that everything crucial will still get done.

It’s Essential To Research

Utilize the array of free resources available to you so that you can learn and develop your business in a successful manner. You can take advantage of articles, blog post, business ideas, and advice from those who have been there and done it, and who are now successful; the internet is a great place for research and self-schooling. You’ll be able to better understand the ups, downs, and any risk factors that may affect your brand at this time. Doing your homework on the current market should not panic you, it should simply give you the opportunity to learn as you go and make informed decisions for your business. Therefore, you shouldn’t be fearful of typing those nagging questions into a search engine and discovering the answers.

If you’re retailing online, or have started a part-time blogging career; there are plenty of free tools available for companies so that you can receive your data and analytics. Make sure you take the time to check how you’re progressing week by week; this will assist you in making changes when and where they’re needed, and better understanding what your consumers want and any patterns of behaviour. Having as much knowledge as possible will allow you to develop your brand and make choices that will only be beneficial to the success of your company. If something doesn’t appear to be working for your business, then change it; you can’t be too precious about your company if it has a negative effect on your brand.

Find Your Girl Gang

Your process and development will be of great interest to many people; some moms might be thinking of heading in a similar direction to you, or some might just be interested in the progress of an independent brand. You should be the same; start following fellow brands, businesses, and moms on social media so that you can gain a wealth of knowledge and get a free insight into how things work further down the line. Building an online following and community is the perfect way to rouse interest in what you’re doing, and they’ll be plenty of people waiting to invest in whatever you choose to produce.

Whether it’s blogs, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook pages you choose to follow; each will provide you with a potential customer, or add to your online support system. If you have a struggle or a query; you can tweet about it, and you might just receive an answer you’ve been looking for. Anything that relates to your business will be an excellent source of inspiration, so spend some time after the kids are asleep having a look through social media, and following the plethora of accounts. Introduce yourself and explain what you’re working towards; they’ll be plenty of moms, just like yourself, doing the same thing.

Staff Writer; Lisa Jones

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