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Things To Consider Before Moving Overseas.

September 21, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comIf you’re feeling stuck in a rut or that you need a change of scene, then moving abroad could be the solution for you. Not only will it offer you a great life experience and the chance to see the world, but if you don’t like it – you can always come home. Deciding to move to another country isn’t one that should be taken lightly, and you should consider the following to help you decide if it’s the right move to you.

Will you be able to find work easily?

Moving to a different city is tough, moving to a different city and another country is tougher. Unless you’re in a position where you don’t have to work (and how many of us are?), you’re going to need a job wherever you move to sustain you. Moving overseas could open up doors that aren’t available to you in your current location, helping you make that career change you’ve been hoping for. Some countries have shortages of skilled workers in certain industries, and you might find that there’s an opportunity there for you that’s too good to pass up.

It makes sense to line up work before you move so that you can work out how much money you’ll have for accommodation and expenses – giving you that extra bit of security before you take the plunge. If you’re unable to find work in advance, perhaps you should consider it a short-term move with a look to becoming permanent if you’re able to find the right job for you. This Forbes article has some great advice on finding work abroad, that could help you explore avenues you haven’t considered before.

Are you able to do so legally?

These days, it’s becoming more and more difficult to become a citizen in another country. Competitive job markets and strict immigration rules mean you’ll need to do your homework before you decide to move. You might want to consult with an immigration or asylum attorney to get a better picture of your rights and circumstances to see if you’ll be allowed to stay in your chosen country. Don’t take any sudden action before you’ve done your research.

Will you miss your family and friends too much?

Moving away from everything you know is exciting and offers a fresh start, but there’s a downside too. When you move to another country, you leave all of your family friends behind, and it can be important to have that support network around you. Video calling and instant messaging are great for helping you to keep in touch with loved ones back home, and if you can work out a way of calling them regularly and make plans to visit – you’ll feel a lot more confident in your decision. If you think you’ll struggle, you might want to think about relocating to somewhere closer to home.

Moving overseas can be an exciting adventure. The chance to travel, learn a new language and meet new people will be life-changing. While there are a lot of things to consider, you need to make the decision that’s the most suitable for you. Take the time to think about what you really want, and if a move abroad makes sense for you – go for it! You’ll never know how some things will work out until you try them for yourself.

Staff Writer; Angel Carter

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