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Tips For Coping With A Frightening Diagnosis.

February 27, 2017 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comThe thought of being given a diagnosis of a life-changing condition such as cancer is something which strikes fear and denial into all of us. Many of us assume it’ll never happen this close to home, but the sad truth is that grave illnesses can strike anyone, at any time. Finding the emotional energy to deal with these diagnoses can be really challenging, especially when there are young family members involved too. But finding strength and power to carry on and fight the illness is vital. If this is something that is particularly close to home for you or your loved ones, here are a few tips for how to cope at this difficult time.

Keep looking ahead

When the initial diagnosis is given, there can be some unanswered questions, making the situation often quite confusing. There’s also a lot of information to take in, but while emotions are running high it can be easy to miss information – don’t worry if this happens. Your physician will always be happy to answer more questions further down the line. After the diagnosis is given you may feel quite numb – it’s a lot to try to comprehend after all. Keep in mind the future, and consider that you won’t always feel this way. The dread, confusion and fear will lift eventually, and all that will be left is pure, fighting spirit. Thus, early detection through advanced risk assessments is better than keeping yourself in the dark or denying the possibilities.

Make comprehensive plans for support

Obviously, you can’t fight cancer alone – you need the support of your physicians and nurses, but also family and friends around you too. Making plans for your future support after you receive your diagnosis can help you to feel reassured about your care further down the line as well. It can be a real struggle to consider the illness worsening, but it’s worth considering possible plans for cancer palliative care in the future, and discussing those with your family and doctor – it never hurts to be prepared. It’s also useful to ensure your insurance and other finances are in order, so there are no nasty surprises further down the line. Don’t struggle with this alone, though, make sure you ask family and friends for help.

Try to be patient

When you first receive the diagnosis, there can be many unanswered questions as the doctors have not completed all their tests, so there may be a lot of unknowns in the future. Trying to maintain patience and self-love is the key to avoiding over-imagining the possibilities of the future. Allow yourself to take in information slowly, without using the internet for problematic researching. It can be difficult facing the unknown, so take strength in the here and now, and try to draw on patience for understanding the future.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Finally, if you’re struggling to find the strength to deal with the emotional side of a diagnosis, go easy on yourself. It’s a hardship that should be treated as such – you don’t have to go on like nothing has happened, and you’re allowed to feel all the emotions that come alongside. Be gentle with yourself and your expectations, and try to avoid overwhelming yourself.


Staff Writer; Sherry Poole

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