(ThySistas.com) In 2016, you don’t have to look far for stories of discrimination against women in the workplace. James Brown sang “This is a man’s world”, and he wasn’t wrong. However, he also went on to sing “It wouldn’t mean nothing, without a woman or a girl.” He wasn’t wrong ...

(ThySistas.com) If your friend has a newborn child, you may be expecting a christening invitation in the post anytime soon. Christenings are a great time of joy and give you the chance to catch up friends who you may not have seen in quite some time. It is also the ...

(ThySistas.com) When it comes to eating healthy foods, we all know what we should and shouldn’t eat. We know we should drink plenty of water. We know that we need to have a balanced diet, which includes protein, healthy fats, grains, and vegetables. Some days it is harder to implement ...

(ThySistas.com) On October 27, 2013, my whole world was rocked. My ex husband has asked for divorce after 6 years of marriage. I was totally blindsided because everything seemed to be going well between us. Not knowing he was plotting to “separate” way before then. During the holidays I did ...

(ThySistas.com) The idea that our significant other may be being unfaithful is one of the most harrowing experiences we can have day-to-day. The emotions that it stirs up: doubt, fear, regret among many others. Most of all, the uncertainty and the way it leads you to question everything make life ...

(ThySistas.com) The most stressful part of obtaining a mortgage is cobbling together a big enough deposit to be able to fund the initial purchase. And then, there’s the home loan itself; they’re tricky to get, especially for youngsters and first-time buyers. Fortunately, there are dozens of options when it comes ...

(ThySistas.com) People who are trying to achieve a lot in less time need to know it’s better to put your best foot forward everywhere. This can be done only when you have all your senses in control especially your brain. The concentration with which one works defines how well the ...

(ThySistas.com) There is so much going on in our communities from economic disparity and political buffoonery to our kids literary gunning each other down while being gunned down in the streets. So many get on social media to post about current events and tragedies, and appear to be in complete ...

(ThySistas.com) Many of us were raised up being told “Sticks and stoned may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.”  Many of us have been torn down, have rendered ourselves less than based on the words that have been spoken to us, and words we have spoken of ...

(ThySistas.com) The world we live in presents constant challenges that fuel stress, anxiety, insecurity and anger. Many of us are constantly trying to channel peace into our lives. Some of us pray, use meditation, exercise or find alternative ways to alleviate negativity we accumulate in the course of a day. ...