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Cute Ways To Involve Your Little Ones In Your Big Day.

November 29, 2016 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comWhether you’ve been holding off on saying “I do” until you had saved up enough money or are getting remarried, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that if you’ve got children, they feel involved in the process. Whether they’re your children, his kids, or both of your little ones, it’s important to ensure that they feel included in your big day. After all, it’s an important day for them, just as much as it is for you. To help you ensure that yours’ and your partner’s kids feel included in your wedding, here are some tips and ideas to try.

Make them part of the wedding party

To make yours’ and your partner’s kids feel involved in your big day, it’s important to make them part of the wedding party. The girls can be bridesmaids or flower girls, depending on their ages. The boys can be groomsmen or pageboys, again depending on their ages. Or, if you’ve only got one son, he could be the ring bearer. Or, another option is that he could give you away. This is a role that a lot of little boys love because it’s such a grown-up role to have. For some more wedding party role ideas for kids, resources like can be useful.

Take them wedding shopping with you

Another great way to make your kids (or yours’ and your partner’s kids) feel involved in your wedding is to take them shopping withcute-african-american-flower-girl-wedding-hairstyles you. Whether you’re going dress shopping or are looking for the perfect wedding bands, take them along with you. Of course, if you’re going to shop with kids, it’s probably a good idea to have a look online at the rings or dress that you want first, using resources like That way, you’re not going in blind and have an idea of what you want. This is important as kids can get bored easily when shopping.

Give them a job to do at the reception

To ensure that your little ones feel involved in the whole of your wedding day, consider giving them something to do at your reception. This could be chatting with guests to see if they’re enjoying the day or it could be managing your guest book. It doesn’t matter what task you give them, just as long as you ensure that your little ones feel involved in the entire day.

Get them a wedding present

A cute gesture that your little ones are sure to love is giving them a present at the wedding. This should be a keepsake of some sort that shows them how much you care about them and how happy you are that they are part of your big day. For boys, a ring can make a great gift. While for girls, a bracelet or necklace could work well. For older girls, earrings could also make a nice gift. To make the keepsake even more special, you could consider having it engraved.

Mention them in your vows

To make your little ones feel involved in your wedding, perhaps you and your partner could mention them in your vows? If you’re writing your own vows, maybe you could each add a sentence or two in about your little ones? For kids, being involved in their parents’ vows is a really big deal, so it could be something that’s worth considering.

So there you have it, cute ways to involve your little ones in your big day.  

Staff Writer; Latasha Harris

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