There will be times when they hurt and you will give them comfort.
There will be times when they lose something that you help or encourage them to find it.
There will be times when you need to distract them and redirect their actions as they are learning the lessons of life, when they make a mistake you lend a hand in their learning process.
There will be times when they are scared or sick and you help them feel secure.
There will be times when you find the patience to respect and consider their feelings and are more understanding of their behaviour when they are sick, hungry or tired.
I know beyond doubt that by consistently doing these things you will make a significant and positive difference in the life of your developing child. They will carry the lessons with them into the future.
“Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered to the country and to mankind is to bring up a family.” George Bernard Shaw.
It was made clear to me just how significant parenting is when I attended a peak performance seminar with 3000 others in 2008. Attendees performed a mind sequence strategy where we were taken back to issues in our life that were limiting our beliefs today. It was staggering to see at least 85% of the crowd standing to declare that these limiting beliefs had started from an incident in their childhood. We as parents have an enormous responsibility to encourage the best possible start in life for our children. The early years are where the blue print of life is designed.
Often in life, our thoughts are clouded by alternatives and we miss the simple rules of the game. My faith in God, the creator of the universe and every living thing in it, leads me to believe that nothing in life is wasted and that everything plays a part in the building of our character and significant purpose. It is my hope that every parent reading this book finds the balance in their parenting journey to provide the best opportunities for the development of their babies and children – our future generation.
“Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they shall not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.