(ThySistas.com) Deciding to invest in your child’s future is a huge and important decision. You have to be very careful about the path you send your child down, as the kind of education they have can often shape the rest of their lives. For many parents and children alike, college is ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s common for kids as young as eight to now have a mobile phone. While it is a great safety tool, it does have a lot of negatives. After all, your child could easily be speaking to strangers without you knowing, and they then could end up in danger. Alongside ...

(ThySistas.com) To be completely honest I have spent the majority of my 35yrs of living hating the very idea of going to a doctor appointment. They are uncomfortable, I don’t like the sitting on pins wait, I’m apprehensive that I will hear I am not well, and we won’t even get ...

(ThySistas.com) We all know that children have short attention spans. As a result, trying to teach religion in the conventional way doesn’t work. You have to make faith fun if you want your kids to get involved, which means doing away with the long sermons and encouraging games and creative methods. ...

(ThySistas.com) Black people especially black women in America are in a constant state of trauma. The realities of everyday racist politicians to never-ending stream of police shootings of unarmed black folk, to the spiritual damage of slavery and beyond. Healing and self-care is needed. Here are six important healing and self-care ...

(ThySistas.com) This year began with many of us resolving to live healthier lives. Some of us are now going to the gym, spas, and yoga studios. As women adding healthy activities to our life brings about positive change. Health, and wellness, in every aspect of our life must be a priority. ...

(ThySistas.com) As we all know with this economy we have to do all we can in order to keep our heads above water. Government policies are commonly evaluated in terms of how many jobs they create. Restricting imports is seen as a technique to protect as well as create domestic jobs. ...

(ThySistas.com) I must say I absolutely love cooking. The art of it is cool, and knowing others enjoy what you make is great. However, for me, the process of cooking (prep) allows me some time to think over the things that are heavy on my mind in a constructive manner. In ...

(ThySistas.com) They say life is like a rollercoaster. There are highs and lows. Moments when you’re so excited you could burst followed by periods when you’re terrified of what’s to come next. The unpredictability of life is what makes it so spectacular. It’s exciting to know that tomorrow probably won’t be ...

(ThySistas.com) Not everyone likes to talk about money, and not everyone likes to deal with it either. But, all of have to get serious about money at some point in our lives. And for you, now might be the time. If you’ve suddenly realised that you need to get a better ...