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Cool Ways To Get To Know Your Family Better.

February 20, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(‘What, you think I don’t know my own family?’ The sad reality is that a lot of families are growing farther apart nowadays. Whereas in the past the family used to be a sacred bond, today it has morphed into something different. Different isn’t always bad, but in this case it might be affecting your entire family’s relationships and that is bad. Thankfully, there is no need to mope and be sad because it is an easy thing to change. All you have to do is take the time to get to know each other better and you will be closer than ever.

KNOW Your Family

It sounds stupid, but there is plenty of families that don’t even know they have additional family members. But, sure enough, they are out there without a clue that they have more family, too. It is amazing what an ancestry DNA test will uncover. And when it does uncover something new, it is about reacting in the right manner. Don’t be scared, even though it is a scary time. Instead, be excited and embrace them into the fold. After all, how can you claim to be a close family if you don’t accept all of your family members?

Get Together Often

It is easy to get together with your immediate family because they are always around. Sometimes, you even wish they weren’t around so often because you need space. That is normal, but it is a different topic for a different day. This topic is about the people you don’t see too often, which is why you need to organise a get together. There is no better way to bond than to meet face to face. A party or a meal is a great way to socialise and catch up instead of communicating via a text message. It builds stronger bonds and ones that last a lot longer. Plus, it is an excuse to eat good food and have a glass of wine.

Put The Phone Down

Get togethers are only effective if you embrace them and give them your full attention. It might not sound hard, but it is amazing how many people play with their phone at a social event. Smartphones are good in the right circumstances, and a family get together isn’t the right circumstance. They only make you look like you don’t want to be there and stifle the conversation. You want the conversation to flow which is why you should ban them at the table. At the least, you should scold anyone using them during the event.

Focus & Listen

Be there in mind when you are there in body. There is nothing more annoying than talking to someone who isn’t listening. Not only do you have to repeat yourself but it shows a lack of respect. A lack of respect isn’t a good way to build relationships with your family so you should listen intently. Sure, it might not be the most invigorating conversation in the world but not every conversation is interesting. What is interesting is how much people open up when they start to talk.

Conversation is the way to the best and deepest bonds, and these are the bonds that families should share.  

Staff Writer; Mary Jones

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