Friday, July 26, 2024

Hacks to Revamp Your Wardrobe.

February 16, 2017 by  
Filed under Money, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( For many shopping is a therapeutic activity, but it can cost a pretty penny. It seems that when we have money we aren’t drawn to much, but when money is tight we see everything that we want. Though we might a few pieces here or there it will come to a point whereby we look to revamp the wardrobe. Different sisters do this at different times. Some of us access our closet at the start of the year, and prepare to shop for spring and summer.

Regardless of marital status, or if you have kids, you want to be wise in how you construct a new wardrobe. Relying on impulse buys can have uncomfortable consequences down the line. Furthermore, you don’t want to neglect yourself to the point that you get fed up with old garbs, and rush out to buy spending the utility bill or grocery money. Cute fashion is grand, but when you are in the dark or your stomach is yelling feed me it’s not a good look. It’s important to look at feasible ways to shop so that you don’t experience buyer’s guilt later. Below are a few ideas to help you shop without spending your necessities.

1. Make a Budget. It important to know what your expenses are so that you are able to see where you pull funds to shop. Shopping on a budget does mean you may not be able to buy everything at once, but it will keep your finances in order. If you would prefer to do big shopping at one time you may have to budget long term for that.

2. Assess what you already have. Often times we shop not truly knowing what we actually have in our closet. Take the time to make a note of which clothes articles of clothes you need it might be best to prioritize them. This way you are assured to get what your wardrobe needs verses just stocking up on pieces you already have in abundance.

3. Cut back in the area of extra spending. This is the area that is rather difficult for some of us. When setting aside shopping money it might mean less take out lunches & dinners. Some might be willing to sacrifice one or two Starbucks visits. Basically you have to look at your miscellaneous spending and cut where you can. Unless one gets an additional source of income, which is not necessary, sacrifices will have to be made in some areas to afford extra shopping.

4. When you do begin shopping look for quality pieces. We have all went to the trendy stores that sell “cute” clothes at a very cheap price. These might work for some items, but they may not last as long as you like. Making sure you have quality staple pieces in your closet is important. Granted quality cost more there are stores like Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, and Ross that have good clothes for affordable prices…just be ready to hunt for them.

Revamping your wardrobe, or engaging in a bit of shopping therapy doesn’t have to cost you your lights nor breakfast. Just sit down and plan what it is you need, and make the necessary adjustments to afford them. When the seasons are about to change the current season tends to go on sale; that’s a great time to stock up. Take your time and look online to see who has a sale, and how to get the most for your money. Once you have prepared…enjoy your shopping!

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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