(ThySistas.com) We often speak of God in terms of a masculine principle, the Father and of course the harsh punisher who destroyed nations when the people were disobedient. When we go to church we’re often reminded of the Hellfire, the ultimate punishment for those who fail to believe. Most of ...

(ThySistas.com) Receiving negativity from others is difficult to deal with. Being the object of constant ridicule can have a devastating effect on one’s self image and that of generations to follow. The situation shifts from outside attacks to self-inflicted harm rather quickly. As black women we must ask ourselves if we ...

(ThySistas.com) Food is a staple of our day to day existence. We must eat to live! Unfortunately, we reside in a society where the foods we eat are causing more illnesses than healing. There are cases where individuals who eat “junk foods” such as sweets, processed foods and sodas are ...

(ThySistas.com) A relationship does not stay stable and loving all on it’s own. No matter how strong a partnership is, all relationships need work to maintain them. Nurturing these vital connections is an ongoing process. It shouldn’t be a one-way street, always remember it takes two! Get back to basics ...

(ThySistas.com) 1. You do most or all of the calling. If the only time you talk to your love interest is when you call, he might not be that into you. As women, we often make excuses for the people we love. We’ll say things like ‘oh, he’s busy’ or ‘he’s ...

(ThySistas.com) 1. Self-Control. While many follow doctrines that say man was created weak, we do have power over our actions. A powerful man takes full responsibility for his thoughts, his actions and his feelings. He keeps himself under his own control by being the supreme ruler over his genitals, his anger, ...

(ThySistas.com) Watch television with them. More and more parents are limiting the use of television within the home while failing to realize the youth today have a variety of options when it comes to stay on top of what’s happening in the world of entertainment. Watching television with teens gives ...

(ThySistas.com) Over the last few years I’ve been hearing about this term called “creamy crack”. I was told it was being addicted to getting g a relaxed without fail every few weeks or months. Addicted is a rather harsh word. When I was younger I considered going natural, but I ...

(ThySistas.com) We live in a society whereby “beauty” is skin deep, and strong is attached to what we can endure or obtain. Its interesting that the term pretty is not used as often, and there are some women that would see it as an insult in comparison to beautiful. Truth ...

(ThySistas.com) I was having a random moment whereas a thought, and concept, captured me while the cascading waters of my shower acted as a temporal muse this morning. This subject is one that I’ve heard about growing up, have dealt with personally, talked about with friends, and now address as ...