(ThySistas.com) Age nor pressure is a good reason to get married…not even for those that deeply desire marriage. It seems that once we hit 30 a combination of our “biological clock” ticking, and the stigma that something must be wrong with us tend to make some feel that we must find ...

(ThySistas.com) Moving on is hard to do no matter who you are. Whether it be from a job, a place or a relationship; it’s never really easy. One of the most difficult experiences in life is getting over a divorce. It is not fun having to realize that your hopes and dreams are ...

(ThySistas.com) If you have been out of the dating game for a while, you should know that things have changed. I know for me, it has been almost 6 years since I “played the field” and with all kinds of technological advancements, I know that if I were to enter back ...

(ThySistas.com) Thanks to the number of Hollywood romances out there in the world, a lot of people have some slightly skewed idea of what relationships should be like. After all, most romantic movies, TV shows, and books tend to end right at the moment when a relationship begins, which means that ...

(ThySistas.com) For a lot of older millennials, the push to live the American dream of having a family, great career, car, house and a white picket fence weighs on us. As a person in my early 30s, I feel the tug to have all of these things. Seeing people I went ...

(ThySistas.com) Mr. Right does not exist in the way we think of him. So many want to be in relationships thinking it will bring happiness and fulfillment. The man involved will be everything you need, and want, if he sees life through the focus of your needs. When it becomes obvious ...

(ThySistas.com) Love. Everyone wants it and many feel that they know what it is, but there is so much that goes into really loving another person. It’s something that we have to work at because as humans, we are naturally selfish beings. Of course, there are those who are more selfless ...

(ThySistas.com) Cheating on one’s spouse is never acceptable. There is no justification for the disloyalty. Granted two wrongs don’t make a right, and in marriage spouses can provoke another to isolation. When one feels alone in a marriage they are vulnerable, but one must remember that great marriages are not built ...

(ThySistas.com) Many of us pass off Reality TV shows as merely entertainment. When the conversation is brought up that this portrays us, as black women, in a negative light we are instantly told its just TV. The problem is television can be considered an art form as sure as someone wrote ...

(ThySistas.com) Dads are special, and to be cherished. In their unique strength, they play a very large role in molding us to be who we are. When dad is there for his daughter he is the first man she will ever love, and her first protector. When toys, gadgets and life ...