(ThySistas.com) My heart hurts when a woman loses her child. Knowing the rigors of childbirth, no woman should have to bury her child…nor her grandchild. When young black boys and men are gunned down in the street, in all the death and suffering, my mind reflects on the women that raised ...

(ThySistas.com) “It takes a village to raise a child.” At a young age I would always hear the elders use this phrase. I never could grasp the concept or understand why they spoke this so frequently. However, I grew up, and I started to see for myself exactly what that phrase ...

(ThySistas.com) If I could just become a wife my life would be fulfilled, and complete. I just need someone to love me and be there for me. I’m tired of being alone, and it would be great to have someone to share life’s moments. People treat me like something is wrong ...

(ThySistas.com) We must work to maintain a living and provide one for our family. Every job comes with it’s fair share of stress, learning curves, unreasonable expectations, and drama. The drama of the job, if we aren’t careful, can cause the feel of the environment to shift in a negative way. ...

(ThySistas.com) In our support community there is a need to feel loved, supported, encouraged, and uplifted. No one wants to feel misunderstood or attacked when they are in a low space. Though compassion is always appreciated sometimes we need people to love us enough to tell us the truth about where ...

(ThySistas.com) A vital part of raising responsible children is to instill boundaries. They need to know what is, and is not, acceptable behavior in different situations. Teaching boundaries can also show our children how to be caring and selfless. As a mother it is easy to get into the mode of ...

(ThySistas.com) Very rarely is the end of a relationship solely one persons fault. It can be difficult to look at your mate, when angry, and admit you had a hand in the destruction of your relationship. Far to often if you didn’t cheat nor lie you are innocent, and more importantly ...

(ThySistas.com) When great things happen in your life you expect to be celebrated by those that loves you, and the sisters that call you friend. Its understandable that life has challenges, but you would hate to think your people won’t celebrate the engagement, new house/car, new baby, or the job promotion ...

(ThySistas.com) When you are the strong part of a relationship its very easy for others to down play your pain and suffering. When you are not the one to lament openly you may find it seems your life tragedies are benched for what feels like the trivial issues of a toxic ...

(ThySistas.com) Family can be a beautiful thing. They celebrate our triumphs, and comfort us in tragedy. It is indeed special when family can come together, be on one accord, and help each other in this crazy thing we call life. Having multiple children, siblings, is a wonderful blessing. As a parent ...