(ThySistas.com) When I was in high school, I learned how to score keep for volleyball and basketball. Why? I wanted another reason to avoid my grandmother. Fortunately, this skill has led to my side hustle as an adult. I get paid to press buttons while young boys and girls run ...
(ThySistas.com) Being single is not the end of the world. You can really experience life and actually enjoy it, being single. Don’t be in a rush to change your relationship status on Facebook from single to in a relationship, just for more likes and comments. Rushing into any relationship is ...
(ThySistas.com) “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 No one knows the day or hour when it’s time to take that leap ...
(ThySistas.com) Far to often women succumb to the definition of what it means to be a lady which leaves them feeling like a shell of themselves. Growing up many of us are taught to dress, walk, sit, stand and speak gracefully or we aren’t a lady. Sisters understand at some ...
(ThySistas.com) Sisters what are we, that are in relationships, doing? When the person we trusted to be in a committed relationship steps outside of such there is a deep pain and feeling of betrayal that is often very valid. There are some of us that will pause for a moment ...
(ThySistas.com) Pain and suffering is a reality in life. It’s hard to sit back and watch someone you love suffer with bad health while they try to invoke some Harry Potter like healing magic. I believe in the power of prayer, and meditation just as much as the next sistah. ...
(ThySistas.com) Though the media loves to portray black women not only as vessels of drama, and spectators, there are many of us that nothing to do with such. We don’t deal with it in life, nor do we engage in it for entertainment purposes. It is important for us not ...
(ThySistas.com) I posted on Facebook recently, “What is dating in your 40’s like?” Out of 37 comments of responses, it was a majority vote of basically saying, “Don’t even think about it.” I’ve been in a committed relationship for a while now but as I approach becoming 40 years old ...
(ThySistas.com) Remember the game “Truth or Dare”? Imagine some of the craziest things you have been asked to do as a result of that game. Now…imagine the same game with millions of others involved. Congratulations! You officially understand the meaning of a social media challenge. These games are usually created ...
(ThySistas.com) More women are moving towards a place of self-care. They are tending to their needs verses just seeing to that of others. In embracing self-care women are becoming more in tuned with who they are, and what they need to sustain joy and peace in their life. The interesting ...
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