(ThySistas.com) For centuries teen pregnancy has been a curse for all races but most predominantly in the African American community. Teen pregnancy is considered the conception of anyone under the age of 20 years old, once a girl has began her menstrual cycle she is then able to carry a ...
(ThySistas.com) Sisterhood is such a broad topic, I describe sisterhood as a beneficial relationship between females. It seems that sisterhood has been lost, instead of women trying to network and help one another grow as one they would rather see each other fail. Today’s generation of women lack sisterhood, and ...
(ThySistas.com) On October 27, 2013, my whole world was rocked. My ex husband has asked for divorce after 6 years of marriage. I was totally blindsided because everything seemed to be going well between us. Not knowing he was plotting to “separate” way before then. During the holidays I did ...
(ThySistas.com) People who are trying to achieve a lot in less time need to know it’s better to put your best foot forward everywhere. This can be done only when you have all your senses in control especially your brain. The concentration with which one works defines how well the ...
(ThySistas.com) There is so much going on in our communities from economic disparity and political buffoonery to our kids literary gunning each other down while being gunned down in the streets. So many get on social media to post about current events and tragedies, and appear to be in complete ...
(ThySistas.com) Many of us were raised up being told “Sticks and stoned may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” Many of us have been torn down, have rendered ourselves less than based on the words that have been spoken to us, and words we have spoken of ...
(ThySistas.com) Social media a beautiful thing isn’t it? The ability to connect with people all over the world is amazing. There are so many things we can do with this relatively new form of communication. And while there is a lot of good that certainly can and has come from ...
(ThySistas.com) I hear many women saying that they desire a mate yet their actions, behaviors, beliefs and tone reflects an individual who would rather live life alone. No doubt I understand our ability as women to function independently and to accomplish tasks aggressively. In the midst of our ability to ...
(ThySistas.com) We are a combination of what we think, feel and eat. Food has the ability to be our medicine if we are willing to allow nature to nurture and sustain us. We exercise our bodies for optimal physical health, we read to stimulate our mental health, we pray or ...
(ThySistas.com) We can create a hundred excuses why we don’t have time to do the things we need to do while finding maximum hours a day to the unnecessary. We complain about not having time and in the same breath we complain about our cell phone and gadgets batteries not ...
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