(ThySistas.com) Ladies those of us that love well tend to love hard, and at 100% capacity. We don’t mind giving all we have, because we know we aspire to be wives, and feel we love him. Some women have different motives, and reasons as to why they go all in ...
(ThySistas.com) There are many of us that grew up in the community environment. Elders sat on the porch, and kept watch. Children actually played in the streets, and parents knew someone was paying attention. Neighbors knew one another, and could converse about life and living. We learned from each other. ...
(ThySistas.com) The recent loss of life is heart breaking. There are mothers, and fathers, mourning the loss of their children. No matter how old our children are they will always be our babies, and age doesn’t change the pain. As mothers we must find a way to see the grief ...
(ThySistas.com) Sistahs life, as Black women in this country, has NEVER been a walk in the park. From the slave ships to now there has always been a struggle for validation, and the acknowledgement of our humanity. To say I am a human being, regardless of color, I am valuable, ...
(ThySistas.com) In the state of our society many of us are poised to be active participants in change. We are aware of the methods of resistance that involve us taking a physical stand such as open protest. However, we must never forget America is a capitalist society, and she is ...
(ThySistas.com) Sistahs its summer time; while we are hitting the gym, and the beach we must be mindful of our internal health. Water has to be a main staple in our diet, and it is even an important part of our workout regimen. It doesn’t just affect our internal organs ...
(ThySistas.com) There is something that continues to plague the black community. It is something that we do to ourselves as a way to, I don’t know, cope with the rejection we receive from the world in which we live. It is ugly; it is damaging, and it is debilitating. I ...
(ThySistas.com) Summer is underway, and I don’t know about you, but I plan on spending a lot of time in the sun and at the beach. These are some of the great things about this time of year. The liberty to take in the rays that we so desperately want ...
(ThySistas.com) We are almost three weeks out from actor Jesse Williams’ powerful speech at the 2016 BET Awards. He took the stage to accept the humanitarian honor and used his time to give one of the most talked about monologues in recent history. He spoke about the plight of the ...
(ThySistas.com) Diversity in the Fortune 500 took a loss; Xerox lost the only female African American CEO in the fortune. Accenture’s lead board director Marge Magner said, “Performance improves with diversity” as she speaks from her experiences of women leaders having the responsibility to make the way, to clear the ...
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