Saturday, July 27, 2024

5 Health Benefits of Sweating.

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( As the summer temperatures rise, more and more people are speaking out on how much they hate to sweat. Often we forget that our skin is a major organ of elimination and sweating reduces the toxic load within our body significantly. In ancient times, saunas and sweat lodges were valued as a form of cleansing. More modern medicine focuses on the use of medication which often increases the level of toxins found in the body.

According to the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, an array of toxins are excreted in sweat, including arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, flame retardant chemicals, and bisphenol-A (BPA). Detoxing via sweat is also beneficial if you have thyroid issues. In fact, the lack of sweating is a strong indication that you have an underactive thyroid.

We have two types of sweat glands, the Eccrine sweat gland throughout the body and Apocrine sweat glands which are located in the armpits and genital area. The palms and soles of the feet have a higher density of eccrine sweat glands than any other part of the body and are usually stimulated by emotional stimuli. The sweat glands in the armpits are stimulated by both heat generation and emotions.

  1. Boosts Endorphins. Exercising increases the level of “feel good” endorphin hormones that are naturally released during physical activities such as a brisk walk, intense workout, yoga or dancing.

  2. Detoxifies the Body. Sweating flushes the body of substances of alcohol, cholesterol, and salt. Dr. Abedola Dele-Michael, a dermatologist at Radiant Skin Dermatology and Laser in New York City says “Sweat purges the body of toxins that can clog pores and plague the skin with pimples and blemishes.

  3. Lowers Kidney Stone Risk. Through sweating the body releases salt and retains calcium in the bones. This keeps to limit the amount of salt and calcium in the kidneys and urine, where stones occur. People who seat tend to drink more water which decreases the risk of kidney stones.

  4. Prevents Colds and other Illnesses. Perspiring helps to fight off tuberculosis germs and other dangerous pathogens. Dr. Diane De Fiori, a dermatologist at the Rosacea Treatment Clinic in Melbourne, Australia says “Sweat contains antimicrobial peptides effective against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. These peptides are positively charged and attract negatively charged bacterial, enter the membranes of bacteria, and break them down.” Many researchers believe the natural substances are more effective in the long-term than traditional antibiotics because germs are not capable of quickly developing resistance to them.

While this insight is unlikely to lessen the intensity and heat coming directly from the Sun, they certainly increase the pleasures of sweating naturally during these warmer months.

Blessed Natural Healing!

Staff Writer; Dina Tuff

Connect with Mystic Philosopher & Inner Fitness Coach Dina Tuff @

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