Saturday, July 27, 2024

Each Lost Is Personal.

July 13, 2016 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( The recent loss of life is heart breaking.  There are mothers, and fathers, mourning the loss of their children.  No matter how old our children are they will always be our babies, and age doesn’t change the pain.  As mothers we must find a way to see the grief of each mother as personal.  Our children are being reduced to hashtags, and only truly remembered by a few. The pain of a parent that loses a child will never go away; it is most unfortunate when that loss is at the hands of those that are to suppose to protect life.  Each life lost is personal because the next could be ours.  Sometimes we don’t understand the magnitude of a situation until it darkens our door step.  Every black women that is a mother gives birth to a child that can become a target by a society that has systems in place that does not acknowledge the humanity of our children.

As mothers we must continue to keep the spirit alive of every child2016-BlackMomandTeenageSon lost, regardless of age, and the heart of the mother lifted.  We must rally together as a community of women to tend to our sisters in their time of lost.  Unfortunately, that means walking with them for the duration of their natural lives because child loss is not a scar that goes away.  The movement will have casualties, and we must acknowledge this wholeheartedly.  No one will understand the pain that is taking place, and threatening us all like another sistah. Loving one another, and seeing ourselves in each other will help keep us strong is our weakest hour.

These lives are more than hashtags, and it will take more than marches to help these mothers stand.  The natural order of life is we should bury our parents.  NO MOTHER should have to look down on her baby in a coffin…it is unnatural in every sense.  This does not excuse the loss, and pain that fathers feel when they face the loss of their children.  Their pain is profound and to be acknowledged.  With that being said there are times when we must speak to the needs of our likeness.  Just as there are men that will have to walk with our men through certain aspects of their pain that we can’t possibly understand…it is the same with us.

I have cried with, and for the mothers I see on television talking to reporters about the senseless loss of their child.  I look at my two year old son, and hold him extremely tight.  I can’t imagine his presence absent from my life.  Though he’s only been here for a short time…life would not be right if he were to pass from this earth.  When I see photos of these mother’s slain children I SEE MY SON.  It’s personal…mother to mother.  We must see our babies when we see the bloodshed, or our tears will last only a moment.

It seems as though we feel the pain and anger of life lost…then in an unreasonable amount of time we’re back to the latest sports, fashion or gossip.  As distraction takes place a mother is left to face the darkness of her loss without the army of her sistahs.  We must never forget our sisters who will continue to mourn in their own way. When their lost is our lost there will be no distractions.  When their child is our child the fight will continue until we see justice for OUR children.  As Mothers we must unite, and stay united. Each lost is our future, our legacy and it is personal.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook; and also Twitter;


One Response to “Each Lost Is Personal.”
  1. Marque Anthony says:


    The Metro Atlanta Crime Commission in cooperation and collaboration with dedicated law enforcement officers, civic leaders, academic professionals and legal specialists, has created the most strategic and comprehensive prevention,, intervention and curative plan in America for ending police brutality nationwide.

    Don’t compete with us – join us! Your input is important but everybody does not have the same expertise. The specific details of the plan you see in our chart will solve the problem, but only if you are willing to listen and learn. Any soldier entering a war without the proper training is guaranteed to lose. This is not the time for ego, looking at who will get the credit, advancing only particular group agendas or trying it your own way.

    In remembrance of lives lost, to end police brutality and for the prevention of deaths that do not have to happen, we at the MACC are asking you to plug into this solution by bringing us in to train your group, having us as guests on your broadcasts, telling every person and leader you know and placing the solutions chart on your social media network. Please be big enough to do these things immediately, regardless of disagreements and differences because you can either be part of the collective solution or part of the systemic problem.

    Call and schedule us to speak to your group or organization now! We have the expertise in these areas and we have studied all angles of the problem. Print, email and share the attached solutions chart today and everyday please. SHARE AND FORWARD THIS EMAIL!

    To be a part of the solution, contact us now: Metro Atlanta Crime Commission Email: Phone: (404) 384-7731

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