(ThySistas.com) Whether you’re working from a central location or have your remote team meet up at serviced offices near you, you’ll want to foster a culture and workplace that’s healthy and productive. The best way to do that is by avoiding the toxic mistakes that veer you off course. Here ...

(ThySistas.com) Family is a very important dynamic, and this dynamic can shape who we are for better or for worse. There can be lots of love and loyalty, as well as pain and betrayal. It is hard at times to understand the layers that make a family fall apart, or ...

(ThySistas.com) Hip-Hop is going through a lot at the moment. Every time we look up, it seems, there is another reason to say R.I.P., we’re shaking our heads because we don’t know what Ye is going to say next for those that still pay attention, and no it seems Drake ...

(ThySistas.com) Owning a consistently successful business is something a lot of people aspire to achieve. However, before you start your journey down the entrepreneurial lane, there are several things you need to square away. Some of these factors may seem simple, but as you’ll soon learn, it’s the little things ...

(ThySistas.com) Businesses of all sizes are susceptible to disasters. From financial crises to technology failures, these situations often pop up out of nowhere, wreaking havoc on unwitting and unprepared companies.  While it’s nearly impossible to predict when disaster may strike, there are things you can do to prepare for them ...

(ThySistas.com) There’s no need to spend a lot of money to have a great time. In Charleston, there are plenty of free activities that will keep you entertained for hours on end. From exploring the city’s open spaces to taking part in cultural events, you’ll never run out of things ...

(ThySistas.com) As a business owner, you’re probably working countless hours each week just to keep on top of things. While this is admirable, it can also lead to burnout fast.  In today’s always-on culture, round-the-clock availability can be stressful and exhausting, to say the least. Although working for yourself gives ...

(ThySistas.com) Small towns offer challenges in terms of business opportunities. Choose the right type of business, and it’ll do well. Choose one that doesn’t meet the needs of the residents, however, and it’ll fail quickly. Small towns have limited clientele, and residents often resist change and react strongly to poor ...

(ThySistas.com) The QA process is an important part of software development, and the process must be followed rigorously to ensure the quality of the final product. Automated QA testing can play a key role in this process, making it more efficient and accurate. AI testing software will automate the process ...

(ThySistas.com) I admit I’ve never been one for Reality TV the amount of messy drama never appealed to me. I truly believe there is an in your face, yet hidden, agenda to make black women hate each other, and to perpetuate a negative narrative between black men and women. There ...