Thursday, July 25, 2024

Drake: Sis Are You Surprised.

November 21, 2022 by  
Filed under Ent., Music, News, Opinion, TS, Weekly Columns

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( Hip-Hop is going through a lot at the moment. Every time we look up, it seems, there is another reason to say R.I.P., we’re shaking our heads because we don’t know what Ye is going to say next for those that still pay attention, and no it seems Drake wants to diss sistahs in his passive aggressive way. While all of this is vexing on levels, may I draw your attention to the last point…Drake. When I read about him dissing Megan Thee Stallion, Serena Williams, and Ice Spice I shook my head, like here we go again.

Granted, my thoughts on diss situations in Hip-Hop and what we’re willing to fuss about is a discussion for another piece. I realized a lot of sistahs are outraged that that Drake decided he’d come for these black women; to be fair there are also many black men that are speaking out, as the are outraged as well. I can’t lie; sistahs my first thought really was, are we surprised?

Let me give my disclaimer, Drake is not one of my favorite artists. I have a handful of songs that I like by him, but I’ve never been able to say there is a Drake album that I just love in totality. My issue with him as an artist has always been what at times appeared to be his misrepresentation of himself. He appears at times to be this hard rapper, but that’s not what we’re dealing with. Granted, I grew up in an era of Hip-Hop where the passive aggressive approach to dissing just wasn’t the way.


Drake is very passive aggressive and its weak to me. He rarely will say a name, and in responding to the diss on Twitter Megan Thee Stallion would make mention of this. Drake as been crying about women for a very long time everyone, and now he’s gone from crying to throwing a fit. It’s not cool, it’s disrespectful, and downright vexing.

I always figured it was only a matter of time before Drake stopped crying about the woman that hurt him, and start taking diss shots. Now, one could say Drake is defending his friend…interesting. However, even if that is the situation there is a criminal case that is currenting active. Why is he speaking on this matter? I’m fair and believe no one should be shooting people…so did he ask his friend why a gun was pulled in the first place? I mean friends should hold friends accountable right? You get where I’m going with that. If you think this water isn’t murky enough, why is he in Serena William’s business? Why is he concerned about what Ice Spice is going? There is so much that one could unpack…if they cared to spend the energy, and clearly, I’m one of those that do not.

Throughout his career, I feel Drake was simply given too many passive aggressive passes. Now he’s finally gone too far. For me, too far was long ago. All I ask is that we don’t be surprised by one of the kings of the passive aggressive whining. If you think I’m being to hard on him…just go back listen to those albums with your current state of outrage. Though it’s on the list of few songs I like by Drake, my introduction to him was “Brand New”. Truth be told he hasn’t changed much. His disrespect of these black women is upsetting, but sistahs unfortunately he hasn’t surprised me yet.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Michele

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