(ThySistas.com) Stress is a part of life. If you reside on planet earth at some point in your life you are going to be affected by stress. The balance is learning how to regain our center and rebalance ourselves so that the stresses of life do not damage our health. We ...
(ThySistas.com) Life is one journey in which we are capable of learning something each and every day. We receive constant spiritual, emotional, physical and mental lessons which allows us to progress in our life path. While most humans generally learn or rather retain information better when pain is involved, there are ...
(ThySistas.com) Every once in awhile we all feel like we need to change our outlook, the scenery of our lives. It could be after a bad breakup. It could be after we have lost a job, or something genuinely traumatic like a bereavement. Whatever the case, there does come a time ...
(ThySistas.com) There’s a common misconception that in order to lead a healthier life, you have to spend more. Because of this, a lot of families who are living on a budget believe that they can’t afford to live in a healthier and happier way. However, the fact is that’s not the ...
(ThySistas.com) Life is the ultimate gift from God and one that we should be thankful for every single day. However, the complexities of modern life can push even the strongest woman to the edge. Therefore, it’s imperative that we all take the necessary steps to preserve our sanity. Here’s how to ...
(ThySistas.com) Most of us recognize the importance of creating a happy, healthy home. But how do you achieve this goal? It’s not always possible to keep illness at bay and prevent accidents. But these handy hints may help you to create a healthier, safer and more uplifting environment at home. Tackle ...
(ThySistas.com) During our lives, many of us will be directly or indirectly affected by cancer. It’s a disease that takes one in three people. And it’s on the rise, especially among black women. Just last month, however, Obama announced his “moonshot” to rid the world of cancer. Just like Nixon before ...
(ThySistas.com) Society is surrounded and dripping in sex. It surrounds everything around us through television, media and our music. As a Black Single Christian Woman, how do you abstain, follow your desired path and not be tempted? Sex is important in a relationship, especially a marriage. But Sex was designed to ...
(ThySistas.com) During the Olympics it came out that the biological mother of gymnast, Simone Biles is a recovering drug addict. Granted this should not have been news, but I’m pretty sure we know why the media honed in on this aspect of her life and it’s foul. However, her biological mother ...
(ThySistas.com) Once you’ve created a regular routine for you and your family, it can become very easy to start being a bit too relaxed. The more we do certain tasks, we can forget that there is sometimes an element of danger in them. To help you make sure you don’t get ...
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