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A Woman’s Guide To Staying Sane In 2016 & Beyond.

September 5, 2016 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comLife is the ultimate gift from God and one that we should be thankful for every single day. However, the complexities of modern life can push even the strongest woman to the edge. Therefore, it’s imperative that we all take the necessary steps to preserve our sanity.

Here’s how to do it with the greatest success.

Invest In Your Body & Mind

In this modern world, far too many people are focused on the wrong things. In all honesty, though, there’s nothing more important in this world than your health and happiness. Learning to invest in yourself is probably the greatest breakthrough you’ll ever discover.

Nothing can knock your confidence like feeling out of shape. Sculpting a better body with regular exercise will work wonders for 123black-woman-thinking_excluyour self-esteem. Meanwhile, the release of endorphins during those workouts can have a similarly phenomenal impact too. You don’t need to look like Beyonce to feel the rewards of being confident in your skin.

If investing in the body is important, investing in the mind is imperative. Many women find that yoga and relaxation methods like Reiki can have a telling impact on their lives. Whatever you do, finding ways to reduce stress and lead a healthier life will go a long way to preventing the walls from caving in.

Remove The Element Of Surprise

Life will always throw up a few unexpected developments. While this cannot be helped, you can at least reduce the frequency. In doing so, you’ll gain a far greater level of control on your life.

The best way to accomplish this goal is to start paying more attention to the world around you. Global politics and financial developments will inevitably have a vast impact on your entire life. Experts like Mark Dubowitz provide the insight needed to stay in the loop and ahead of the curve. Even if those issues are going to cause problems, you can limit the damage.

Those financial and political changes are often unavoidable. But it’s the unexpected nature that makes them truly troublesome. Using modern resources to gain a better idea of what to expect should be a regular feature of your weekly tasks. If it isn’t, make the upgrade immediately. You will not regret it.


In many ways, life is a series of trials and tribulations. When negative times surface, the worst thing you can do is bottle things up. As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved. Don’t be too shy to open up about those fears.

Friends and family are there to offer a supportive shoulder when it’s needed. Alternatively, you can speak to a life coach to gain advice for tackling the issues that worry you must. Following instructions is easy, but receiving the right information isn’t. That’s why you need a professional rather than a quick search of the problem on Google.

Great communication is central to everything good in this life. This is especially true when it comes to your mental health and general happiness. Besides, why would you make things harder on yourself than they need to be?

Staff Writer; Lisa Green

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