(ThySistas.com) It’s okay to have a confidante that you talk to when you are facing situations that require council. However, some of us are misusing the sister circle, and don’t understand the idea of what it means to have business. Ladies everything is not a discussion. The secret best kept honestly ...

(ThySistas.com) We are all going to live much longer and healthier lives than any of our predecessors. Our current generation of seniors is enjoying that same benefit. So, we all need to think a little bit more about how we treat our elders, and how we keep them, and ourselves, healthy, ...

(ThySistas.com) When your parent reaches their elder years, you may be faced with a dilemma. If they are able to look after themselves, then fine. But if not, you need to come to a decision. There are a number of options open to you, one of which is choosing a care ...

(ThySistas.com) It can be very difficult to understand why others treat us in a manner we deem agitating. We love our sisters, but sometimes its hard for us to understand what bothers them or hurts them, but more importantly why. Sometimes, though we mean well, we are not very patient with ...

(ThySistas.com) In truth we must decide what we want. Yes, many of us are strong and we know how to truck through tragedy and heartbreak with some parts of our mind left. Yet, in these moments we are reminded of the pressure of what is seen as strength. Many of us ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters we take health, and sometimes the Lord’s mercy, for granted. We are so busy taking care of others we forget ourselves or decide we will be okay. Far to often sisters have found themselves having to surrender areas of control in their life for various reasons. The needs of ...

(ThySistas.com) The art of striking other people by utilizing the fists, feet, elbows and knees is called Muay Thai. This is an art that has evolved in Thailand. The strikes must be thrown from close range or long range, but the grappling is something that is new in this martial art. ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters I would be the first to admit I hate going to the doctor’s office. The very idea of seeing my PCP or OB/GYN literally freaks me out. There is a paranoia and almost anxiety that builds up from the moment I know I have to go through the actual ...

(ThySistas.com) Who are you, and do you truly love her? Do you have a love hate relationship with the woman that is you, or do you feed her the positive energy she needs to thrive? Do you take the time to indulge in education and the arts? Are you seeing to ...

(ThySistas.com) Doctor-patient confidentiality means there are things physicians can’t say to anyone. Seriously, even a lawyer in a fancy suit won’t get them to sing. But, doctors don’t practice tightlippedness for the sake of the people. Sometimes, they do it to get through the day and avoid awkward encounters. Let’s face ...