Thursday, July 25, 2024

Remote Rewards: 5 Best Practices for Collaboration While Working Remotely.

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( Collaboration is a vital component of success for remote teams. Whether you’re part of a small startup or a large corporation, collaborating with colleagues who are miles away can be challenging. This is especially true if you’re scattered across the globe. 

Thankfully, with the right support, tools, and attitude, working remotely can deliver an abundance of rewards to outweigh the challenges. In this article, we’ll explore five tips for smooth and effective collaboration when working remotely. By the end, you should have some new strategies up your sleeve to ensure you’re a valuable team player. 

1. Embrace Technology

When working remotely, technology is your best friend. For example, you could be based in San Francisco but able to keep projects going around the clock by having a team in Australia backed by the best managed IT support Melbourne has to offer. By embracing other forms of technology like project management software, communication platforms, and collaboration tools, you can ensure everyone is always on the same page and progress never gets stuck. 

Whether you’re a team member or the team manager, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of the latest tech developments that may support your enterprise. That way, you’ll always be armed with best-in-class tools, and you’ll be in a strong position to remain ahead in the competitive business world. 

2. Never Stop Working on Your Communication Skills

Communication is crucial in any work environment. However, so much more hinges on it when you’re working remotely. Regular check-ins, video calls, and progress updates are vital, and it’s important to answer questions and address concerns as soon as you can. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should be available 24/7. Boundaries are central to your mental health. However, if you get a message during work hours, don’t read it and then flip it back to “unread” to answer later. Take a “one-touch” approach and respond right away. 

Remote - Tech Work

3. Be a Goal Setter and Deadline Slayer

Goals and deadlines are what keep you moving as a remote worker. They help you stay focused and motivated, but only if everyone understands their roles, responsibilities, and timelines for completion. Project management tools are the ideal way to assign tasks, monitor progress, and ensure that everyone is pulling their weight.

4. Foster a Supportive Team Culture

Working remotely can be isolating, so team members and managers alike must work together to foster a positive culture. To do your part, take a little time to get to know your team members. Celebrate their successes – even if it’s just with the party blob emoji in Slack – and acknowledge group achievements. Share thoughts and ideas, and make sure everyone feels valued. Team-building activities can also be valuable but try to avoid asking people to eat into their spare time for things like game nights or virtual happy hours.

5. Be Flexible – Within Limits

When we talk about flexibility, we are not suggesting that you be open to working through the night with colleagues on the other side of the globe. However, in exchange for the freedom remote work offers, it is important to be adaptable to changes in schedules, deadlines, and the unexpected personal situations of your teammates. Be empathetic and open to feedback, and encourage your team members to communicate any issues they’re facing so you can work collaboratively to address them.

Working remotely can be challenging, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be a thoroughly rewarding experience. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success as a remote team member.

Staff Writer; Latasha Barker

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