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First Aid Fundamentals – 5 Medicines That Are Worth Keeping In Your Home.

March 18, 2021 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Don’t wait for a visit to the doctor’s office to take care of your health. Instead, it’s worth taking the time to stock your medicine cabinet with all the medical supplies and medications you need to treat yourself at home whenever you feel under the weather. 

Of course, stocking up on all your necessary medicines might not be easy. There are thousands upon thousands of different kinds of medications and treatments on the market. Some you can pick up right off the shelf, but others require a doctor’s prescription. If you’re struggling with deciding what you need to get when the time comes to buy medical supplies online, this list will take you through the five main medicines it’s worth keeping in your home. 

1. Fever Medications and Pain Relievers

How many times has a headache derailed your day? Has a minor fever ever kept you awake at night? Pain relievers and fever medications are essential items to have in your home. The next time you come down with annoying headaches, fevers, or other minor ailments, you’ll be glad you took the time to stock up while you were feeling fit and well. 

Medications like Tylenol bring quick and convenient relief to these inconveniences for adults. If you have any children in your home, you should also make sure to stock up on pain relievers appropriate for younger patients.

2. Antihistamines 

Seasonal allergies are the pinnacle of inconvenience. Sniffling noses and sore throats can put a damper on any day, so it’s a good idea to have plenty of antihistamines in your arsenal, ready for whenever allergies arrive. 

Benadryl is one of the more common antihistamines due to its proven effectiveness. However, be aware that many antihistamines can make you feel drowsy. This means you’ll need to either track down a non-drowsy variety or hold off on doing any demanding activities if you have to take a more powerful antihistamine.

3. Cough Medicine

Coughs are always annoying, and if left untreated, they can become downright painful. However, you can stop them in their tracks by keeping a small stock of top-quality cough medicine in your bathroom cabinet. Be aware that there are two kinds of cough medicines – some will reduce your coughs by loosening your mucus (expectorants), and others that will outright suppress your coughs altogether (suppressants). Either one can prove useful; it all depends on your preferences and your situation.

4. Digestive Medications

It’s no secret that digestive issues are some of the most annoying and troublesome ailments you can have. Everything from heartburn to upset stomachs and diarrhea can cause severe pain or discomfort. This is why every medicine cabinet should be stocked with medications designed for digestive issues. Laxatives such as Milk of Magnesia or heartburn medications like Pepto-Bismol should always have a place in your personal pharmacy. That way, you’ll be ready for those awkward digestive dramas.

5. Antibiotic Ointments

Cuts and scrapes are bad, but potential infections in your wounds can be even worse. It’s essential to use topical ointments on every cut and wound that you experience so you can prevent bacteria from causing dangerous infections. Ointments come in many forms, including solid creams and more fluid, oily applications. No matter the style, there is a wide range of effective antibiotic ointments on the market that deserve a place in your home.

With the right medicines on hand, you’ll be ready to face the most common annoying health concerns. Stock up your medicine cabinet with these five items to be prepared for just about anything.

Staff Writer; Sherry Brown

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