Friday, September 13, 2024

Care Guide for New Plant Moms.

November 2, 2020 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( The love for plants is at its peak due to pandemic. It proved to ease the surroundings and clean the air. We all know that green has a strong connection to growth and safety, maybe that’s why many people are adding plants in their home. Apart from that, gardening is a great new hobby that we can start while we are forced to stay at home. 

If you are an aspiring plant mom, here are some basic care guides and tips for you:

  1. Start with common plants.

This is especially true if you want to own cacti and succulents. Rare succulents are colorful and lovely but high-maintenance. And since it’s rare, it will be more difficult for you to take care of these if you are a beginner. Choosing to start with common plants will not keep you out from getting disappointed but also also help you save money from splurging rare plants that you can’t take care of yet.

  1. Don’t stress out new plants.

Chances are, newly-bought plants will adjust to the environment you are in. If you purchased it somewhere far from your place, help it cope up by avoiding it from direct sunlight until it is established and repotting it if necessary. 

  1. Avoid overwatering. 

There is a higher possibility for your plant to rot if you overwater especially for cacti and succulents. Indoor plants don’t need much water as well. Make sure to test the soil moisture first before planning to water your plants. Try putting a finger on the soil 2 to 3 inches from the topmost layer. If the soil sticks to your finger, postpone watering. Cacti and succulents are drought tolerant and are not advisable to watering everyday. 

  1. Choose the perfect place.

Aside from taking note of their watering needs, you also need to make sure to place them on the right spot. If you are growing vegetables and flowers, place them in an area where they can acquire direct sunlight. However, if these are starter seedlings, place them in a bright, shaded area until they are well-established. Plants such as aloe vera and zz plants don’t need much sunlight and are best to put indoors. Make sure to keep these plants away from children’s play areas and places where pets could ruin them. 

  1. Check for fungi and insects. 

Another reason why plants die is because of fungal infections and parasites. Fungi are more common during humid and wet seasons. Insects such as mealy bugs are difficult to spot so to identify if there are fungus and insects, always check the plant leaves, stem or fruit. To naturally kill fungi, you can spray a mixture or baking soda, canola oil and an ample amount of dishwashing soap onto the plant. You can also pick out the infected leaves to avoid the other leaves from being contaminated. If you are planning to repot and change soil, you can add neem oil to your soil mix to control pests and fungi.

Staff Writer; Ellie Carter

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