Friday, September 13, 2024

A Letter to My Sons.

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( It is important to me that you understand you are splendid in your own right. You are strong, smart, and your life is important. You are a blessing to your family, and community. You have strength and compassion; you deserve to be loved in this life. Your existence doesn’t make you a predator, you are not violent nor an abuser by nature. Being a black boy doesn’t make you overly aggressive, nor does it make you difficult to teach. In my eyes & heart you are pure joy, and I couldn’t imagine this life without you. You are the embodiment of prayers answered. Your father and I will always do everything in our power to protect your right to live and have a happy childhood.

The thing is son, that protection begins with honesty, and an understanding of the reality of where we live. Granted I would love to preserve your innocence and happy bubble until it was time for it to naturally shed. The natural evolution if maturity is what I would desire for you…but that could put you in danger. We would rather teach you, regardless of how difficult that may be, than let experience catch you in a naïve state.

I don’t know what life will bring you. As always, my prayer will be for you to find favor in every place that you go, and that your character speaks for who you are as a boy and one day a man. With that being said, son it breaks my heart to have to explain to you how you may be seen for no other reason than the color of your skin. We live in a world that does not celebrate who you are; what you have in you that can contribute meaningful things to society will be discounted. There will be people in this country, state, and city that we live in that will see you as less than a human being. Son sometimes they will say, and do, hurtful things. Know that you always have an advocate in your father and me.

We do not expect you, as a boy, to fight grownups. You are worth fighting for; you are worth our life if necessary. There is nothing we can tell you to do that will guarantee safety, but we will always instruct you to do what you can to be on the right side of a situation. In this world all we can do is strive to be our best, have good character, and take care of our business. An example of taking care of your business is, one day you will drive a car son; we can’t tell you that racist police officers will not pull you over. However, making sure everything is up to date on the car, and that you remain in control of yourself is something your father and I will strive to teach you. This is a part taking care of business.

This may be the first of many letters, as you are but little boys right now. Just know that no matter what this world tells you there is love here for you. You belong to a family, and a community that values everything you are. You are the legacy of strong, intelligent, loving, protective, wise black men. We will do all we can to raise you to live and survive. Along this road called like remember you, little black boys, are never alone. As my father once taught me, if you find yourself in a situation do what you can to make it home. There is nothing that you can’t bring home. We will put our heads together a figure out the best course of action. Your goal is always…to make it home son.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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