Sunday, September 15, 2024

Finally, Black Women. Some Harmony!

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( I heard the word “Verzuz” and two thoughts popped into my mind. Number ONE: WHY is the word spelled wrong? Number TWO:  Here we go. More people being pitted against each other to create chaos and mess.  The name immediately turned me off. Then, I heard the names “Jill Scott” and “Erykah Badu”. They officially had my attention again.

I did not have many friends as a child, and black girls as friends were even less. So, Jill and Erykah helped me through my childhood. I have always wanted to see them live since I watched Dave Chapelle’s Block Party movie. Now, I can see them. For FREE?!  I was completely here for this event.

I watched on Instagram for three hours as these ladies expressed love and adoration for each other while playing songs from their lengthy repertoire.  Jill even continued playing a song when Erykah was cut off due to technical issues. For once, I felt like a live stream was worth my time.  It has been a while since I have watched something on social media that made me feel…warm and fuzzy.

Watching these two incredibly talented ladies stand in their own lights and shine with each other made me realize that it does happen.  It is possible for us to get along.  By us, I mean black women.  We can actually support each other and independently be successful.  We can actually tolerate each other for more than 3 minutes in front of a camera and not fight breaks out.  We can actually have people from all races, nationalities,  socioeconomic status, and sexualities be on one accord with something.  In the words of Whitney Houston in Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella, “It’s possible!” I am incredibly joyful that it is.

Beautiful black women…take heed to this heavenly experience on earth. Jill Scott and Erykah Badu proved to over 700,000 viewers that love and positivity are more powerful than division and slander. We do not have to compete when we can all create seats at the table.  Hell, we can build the table and seats at the table.  Yes, we have to fight twice as hard to get what we want. Why can’t we all fight together? Why can’t we all win together?

Every season of Love & Hip Hop, regardless of the city,  will lead you to believe that African American women who have some type of money are wig-wearing, backstabbing, brawling human beings. I’m happy to report that only some of us are like that especially when “Knuck If You Buck” comes on at a party. The rest of us work,  wrap our hair every night, and send texts of affirmation to our friends before going to sleep.  We love each other despite our faults. On May 9, 2020, Erykah Badu and Jill Scott made an incredible statement.  They taught the world that black women are not just our anger. We are our voices. We are our beauty. We are our children.  We are each other.  Society, social media, and entertainment will brainwash you into believing we are better separated.  No, we are not.  We can be ourselves, and we can do it with each other.  So, right on Jilly from Philly & Ms. Badu. Right on.

Staff Writer; J. W. Bella

May also follow this talented sister online over at; JWB Writes.

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