(ThySistas.com) Going down a path that allows you to set up your own business, is a great one. It means you’re taking your step towards freedom, and there’s no better feeling than knowing you’re working for no one other than yourself. But that sometimes comes at a cost, because the ...

(ThySistas.com) As you get your business underway and find methods to improve your business efficiently, you start to realize that there are numerous growing pains involved. It is partly to do with surviving the first couple of years but it’s also about looking at your weaknesses and doubling down on ...

(ThySistas.com) Countries have borders.  States have borders. Cities have borders. Houses have borders.  You would think with so many places having boundaries that people would understand the purpose of borders:  expectations of limits. Borders assist in helping people know what they can and can not do. So what would make ...

(ThySistas.com) Recent events involving state police, political parties, and social media can have you ready to burn cars, throw bombs, and basically punch any person who does not agree with you.  I get it. I really do. However, how much punching will actually make a difference that will impact society? ...

(ThySistas.com) Picture it: 1994. A girl is attempting to explain how to work a Lisa Frank pencil sharpener to a friend while the teacher is explaining multiplication.  The teacher screams “BE QUIET! No recess!” to the student.  Recess rolls around, and she is alone in the detention room. In silence. ...

(ThySistas.com)  The courtroom doors open. You walk up and sit on the Defendant side ready to prove why you need time to be you. The prosecutor is Business. He is ready at any cost to rid you of any free time and resources you have.  The judge bangs the gavel. ...

(ThySistas.com) Have you ever looked at a picture online on social media and your eyes immediately cloud up green?  What about when a person who works with you receives the promotion meant for you? Maybe when the person you expected to be your relationship partner ends up with someone else?  ...

(ThySistas.com) Atatiana Jefferson was shot in her home by a policeman in Fort Worth, TX.  Christopher Whitfield, a black man with a mental illness, was shot by a policeman in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Isacc Madueno Santibanez, a 17-year-old, was shot by a policeman in Glendale, AZ during an illegal party.  ...

(ThySistas.com) I will confess that I never read a single Transformers comic book. I am a lover, however, of the movies.  There is something really cool about robots who actually like humans despite our crazy ways. The most recent film in the trilogy, The Last Knight,  has a transformer named ...

(ThySistas.com) America wants the world to believe we are a progressive nation. We are a nation that values democracy and fights for the citizens of this nation. I would love to believe that, but I live a very different reality. Granted I know there are many things about America that ...